can anyone help

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Canned pumpkin (not pie filling) isbest. Other then that herbs (like mint, parsley, cilantro,dill, etc.) are very good for GIS too. An article we havesays the stronger the aroma of a bunny safe vegetable/herb, the betterit is for GIS. Break the stems right before giving it to thebun to tempt him/her to eat it. If they aren't eating, then asyringe of canned pumpkin or a pellet slurry (four and a halftablespoons pellets to a half cup water, let soak ten mintues, then putin blender for another five minutes. It should go through alarge feeding syringe after that) fed into the side of their mouth inthe standard feeding aide way will be necessary. Post anymorequestions you may have and me or the wife will try to help you withthem.
Most our articles we have on intestinal blockagestate that keeping the bunny hydrated is very important also.Make sure it is drinking good. If you use a bottle, you maywant to also offer a heavy bowl with water in it to encourage drinkingalot.
hi there the thing is we live in the uk and we cant get it anywhere

will have to wait till halloween

do you no can you freeeze pumpkin for rabbits and do u have to cook it first

varna xxxx
wife says others have been known to feed freshpumpkin and when we open a can of pumpkin we freeze half of ittemporarly to keep it from spoiling. I would like to stressagain that if you are using a bottle to give your bun water, then youmight want to consider a bowl instead. Some buns would ratherget dehydrated then drink from a bottle (ours do. We triedbottles, but two of them refused to drink a drop from them then drankheavily when we gave them back their bowls. The other twohave a bowl and a bottle, but they don't even touch the bottle unlessthe bowl gets tipped and has been empty for a while).

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