Hi, i just found a book on amazon called 'The relaxed rabbit' and i remembered this post. This is the Synopsis :
'Professional massage and bodywork provides great health and wellnessbenefits. Why not extend this to our animal friends? In The RelaxedRabbit: Massage for Your Pet Bunny, professional Massage TherapistChandra Moira Beal and her mini-lop rabbit, Maia, share basic massagestrokes specifically designed for pet rabbits. They offer the laypersona step-by-step routine to practice on companion rabbits at home. Noexperience is necessary to share the joy of massage with your pets. TheRelaxed Rabbit: Helps rabbits with behavioral issues Increases range ofmotion Reduces tension, inflammation, and pain Improves circulationAccelerates recovery Strengthens immunity A safe and natural supplementto your rabbit's health care! Through dozens of photos andillustrations, you'll learn: How to massage your rabbit from "nose totoes" Basic anatomy and physiology How to address specific health andbehavior issues Tips for getting the most from your sessions Massage isalso a great way to deepen your relationship with your pets, astouching strengthens the animal-human bond. Stroking a pet can evenlower your blood pressure, increase self-esteem, and establish afeeling of well-being. Animal massage is a win-win prospect. Getstarted today!'