can anyone help

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

just wondering if anyone would no if there are any books out there on massage for rabbits

its just whenever tony or myself rub lucy neck back and her chin she will actually fall asleep

is so funny because when tony rubs her ears you can start to see her nodding off

love varna xxxx
I've seen one on You couldtry there. There was also an article in Rabbits USA but Isuppose that would be a little hard to get in the UK.
Hi Buddy! :wave:

There definitely is such a thing as massaging a rabbit and it's veryhelpful when a rabbit is experiencing GI Stasis. I've done it with allof my bunnies.

There is a post that Buck put up about rabbit diagrams and structures.I can't recall if the muscles are drawn in one of the pictures, but itwill give you a good indication as to how you can work with the musclesif you know the direction they go into.


How about T-touch or Tellington touch? It is amassage that works in circles and can be used on horses, dogs, cats,i'm sure it can be used on rabbits. There is a book on it but also awebsite i think but 'm not sure what it is, it will probably be thereif you look it up on google.
Hi, i just found a book on amazon called 'The relaxed rabbit' and i remembered this post. This is the Synopsis :

'Professional massage and bodywork provides great health and wellnessbenefits. Why not extend this to our animal friends? In The RelaxedRabbit: Massage for Your Pet Bunny, professional Massage TherapistChandra Moira Beal and her mini-lop rabbit, Maia, share basic massagestrokes specifically designed for pet rabbits. They offer the laypersona step-by-step routine to practice on companion rabbits at home. Noexperience is necessary to share the joy of massage with your pets. TheRelaxed Rabbit: Helps rabbits with behavioral issues Increases range ofmotion Reduces tension, inflammation, and pain Improves circulationAccelerates recovery Strengthens immunity A safe and natural supplementto your rabbit's health care! Through dozens of photos andillustrations, you'll learn: How to massage your rabbit from "nose totoes" Basic anatomy and physiology How to address specific health andbehavior issues Tips for getting the most from your sessions Massage isalso a great way to deepen your relationship with your pets, astouching strengthens the animal-human bond. Stroking a pet can evenlower your blood pressure, increase self-esteem, and establish afeeling of well-being. Animal massage is a win-win prospect. Getstarted today!'
i have ordered this boook

im very inyerested in this kind of thing and ive getting in touch with a lady who lives in daelington uk

i will let you no how i get on woth the book

varna xxxx

That's great Varna!
Sometimes I will just rub Bindy from head to tail the whole way downher body and she just melts and loves it, it's like a full body rub,just cup your hands from the head and slide them back to the tail andalternate your hands as you go.

Goodluck with it all and getting the book and I am sure Lucy will love it!!!
T-touch does work most of the time but they haveto be relatively calm to begin with. I usually do a sort of it where Istart on their forhead, work to the ears, cheaks and then back over thebody. It seems to work pretty well even if you want to do it (on ananimal that's not shedding) with one hand on a rabbit that's in a showbox. Just don't do it if their shedding because that sends hair flyingto the judge and makes it a pain for them to work all day. It tends toget a stressed out animal to at least pose for the judge.

I've just ordered The Relaxed Rabbit, and Ihaven't done any of the stuff yet, but I read it, and it seems reallyinteresting and effective.
I think I may invest in a book like that.

I was rubbing Rex's head last night, over his forehead and around thebases of his ears, and he melted into a little bunny puddle :p

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