can anyone help

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
can anyone help with this

lucy my rabbit is a house rabbit and she is just over 8mnths old

she is tending to laze around all day resting i think and going to sleep

but when its time to go in her cage she;ll go in now

she coms to life

is there any way you can change a bunny from being unactive in the morning and over active on a night time

its just i dont think she is gettting much exercise

varna xxxx
I don't have the answer. Apollo does thesame thing. I wonder if it's just a mellowing out with age. But I toohave noticed that Apollo wants to party and have all his fun once it'sbedtime. Little stinker of mine. Maybe someone else can answer us both.I'm curious too.

The "technical" term for it is that rabbits arecrepuscular, or as Bramble Briar86 pointed out, most active atdawn and dusk. That is when they would do most of theireating and socializing together because there is safety in numbers andthey "watch" out for one another.

When we let out buns free range 24/7 we would note the intensity oftheir feeding pick up at those times. During the rest ofnighttime hours, they had a tendency to just sit or move about veryslowly. They could have been napping but we couldn't getclose enough to observe that at night.

During the day, it was obvious that they napped and basked in thesun. As the sun went down, their grazing level went up andthey became like little lawn mowers, munching along steadily.

I've read that they will eventually accommodate to our schedules if weare persistent enough to bring that eventuality about. I feedour outside buns about 8-9 A.M. each morning, well afterdawn. All will eat at that time, some hungrily, others moreleisurely. In that respect, I think they have adapted to myschedule.


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