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[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Pasteurelloses,"snuffles," torticollis, metritis, mastitis, abscesses and many otherproblems of rabbits are clinical expressions of infections caused byPasteurella multocida, a bacterium that is present in most all petrabbits. There is a great deal of misunderstanding about both thebacterium and the diseases that it causes in our friends.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Pasteurella multocidalives in the upper respiratory tract (nose and sinus) of rabbits andother mammals. This is its niche, where it likes to live. Most strainsof the bacterium have evolved to NOT cause diseases in their host, theanimal which they live. Rather, a balance is established between therabbit's immune system and the bacterium in which the number of thebacteria are kept in check and no disease develops.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]But disease does, ofcourse, occur. Three factors may be involved in these situations. Therabbit may "pick up" a strain of Pasteurella that is more virulent(prone to disease), the bacterium may find its way into tissues ororgans where it is more likely to cause disease (such as a bite wound,lactating mammary gland or uterus) or something may happen in therabbit's life that decreases its immune system's ability to keep thePasteurella in check.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]The manifestations of theinfection depend mostly on "where." If the infection starts in theupper respiratory tract, a mucopurulent nasal discharge (thick, cloudyto almost white) and sneezing or a cough are the most common signs. Asthe rabbit tries to clean his nose, the discharge may collect on theinside of his front paws. Some may act sick, even stop eating, but mostgo on with their daily lives, much as we would if suffering from acold. Some may have a similar discharge from their eyes. In these casesthe infection has moved up the tear ducts into the eye or may havepassed into the eyes as the bunny tried to clean his face.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]It is possible for theinfection to be only in the eyes or the tear ducts. In this case, thetear ducts may be blocked with discharge and tears may collect in thehair of the face, leaving a collection of salts as they dry. If theinfection moves up the rabbit's auditory tube, connecting therespiratory tract to middle ear, ear infections result. Ear infectionsmost often cause problems of balance. We call this "torticollis" or"wry neck" because the rabbit twists his neck around to compensate forthe misinformation he is receiving from the irritated or damagedvestibular (or balance) organ.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Other common places forPasteurella to cause disease are bite or puncture wounds, where itcauses abscesses; in the mammary glands of nursing does, where itcauses mastitis (an abscess of the gland); and in the uterus followinggiving birth, causing metritis (uterine infection).[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]On rare occasions,Pasteurella may cause a rapidly developing pneumonia that may lead todeath in a matter of hours. It is important to realize, however, thatthis is a very uncommon situation. From reviewing the literature, it isunclear if these cases are caused by the rabbit picking up a deadlystrain of Pasteurella, some failure of the rabbit's immune system, orsimply bad luck. It is interesting to note that we commonly seesituations where a single rabbit in a multi-rabbit home passes awayfrom such a pneumonia, but none of the other rabbits is infected. Thiswould seem to support the latter two possibilities.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Pasteurella is most oftendiagnosed from symptoms, because the bacterium is very difficult (butnot impossible) to culture from the rabbit.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]Treatment involvesantibiotics that kill the Pasteurella but don't kill the healthybacteria in the rabbit's lower intestinal tract. This is a bitchallenging because the antibiotics most often used to treatPasteurella in other animals, such as the modified penicillins likeamoxicilllin, are hard on the rabbit's healthy bacteria. The twoantibiotics most commonly used in rabbits are the trimethoprim andsulfa-drug combinations (Septra, Bactrim and a number of genericproducts) and enrofloxacin (Baytril). These products can be given forlong periods without complications of digestive upset. In seriouscases, more aggressive antibiotics may be used knowing that upsettingthe digestive tract is a possibility that must be risked.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]In our experience, thecomplete "cure" of Pasteurella abscesses is greatly enhanced by thesurgical removal of the infected part, when the location of theinfection makes surgery possible. Lesions such as bite wound abscesses,metritis and infected mammary glands are examples where surgery speedsrecovery. Abscesses in locations where complete removal is notpossible, such as the middle and inner ear and tooth root abscesses,have a much worse prognosis for cure of the infection, but still mayhave a good prognosis for survival. Many of these cases require weeksand maybe a lifetime of treatment with antibiotics.[/font]
[font="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"]The prevention of problemsrelated to Pasteurella is possible and relatively easy. For mostbunnies, all that is needed is a happy (low stress), clean home and agood diet (lots of long-stem hay and fresh, leafy greens with limitedpellets). Early treatment of wounds, especially bite wounds andpunctures, helps to prevent abscesses. Likewise, early correction ofdental problems, including the correct trimming of teeth (with a dentaldrill or diamond saw, not a toenail clipper) and the early removal ofincisors from rabbits with malocclusion help prevent dentalabscesses.[/font]