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Jan 26, 2006
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I have a lovey rabbit called Bugsy Bailey, but he is bonkers!!!! Would having him snipped calm him down in any way?:bunnydance:
Having him nuetered would help with a lot ofbehaviors, how old is he? He could also be going through a stage. Itsalways recommended to get a rabbit spayed or neutered. with males itwill help with a lot of behaviors like spraying and will aid in litterbox training. Darlene
How old is he, and what are the problembehaviors? Some are caused by hormones and will be helped byneutering (which I recommend anyway). Examples would bespraying/marking, mounting your leg, defending his territory,etc. If he's young, he may have "baby behaviors," which are arabbit's version of being a naughty puppy or kitten. Forexample, he could dig your carpet up a lot. Others arelearned behaviors, because he figured out that if he does somethinghe'll get a reward or you'll respond in a certain way. Forexample, he may learn that nipping your ankle gets him attention.
i hav 3 cats that are 10,8 & 6 they rused to roamin round the house n garden just doin wot they please,butour rabbit will not leave them alone he mounts them any chance hegets!!! the cats hav become nerves of the rabbit n do not like goin outanymor incase they bump in2 bugsy{rabbit}!
Ok, that's definately a hormonal issue if he'snot neutered. Rabbits do mountto show dominance,but not asfrequently.:D You'll need to find arabbit-savvy vet (if you don't have one yet)and ask aboutneutering him. How old is the feisty little bugger?
Neutering would be very helpful in yoursituation. They can be neutered as young as 3 1/2 mos. or so. Alot ofvets like to do it later, I think I had Devon neutered when he was 4mos.