Hello! I’m a bunny lover, but I’m also obsessed with chickens!!! I’ve got two grown-up gals, a white Silkie (named Rainbow Grassy by an at-the-time 5 year old, nicknamed Rag) and a Buff Brahma (Chicken Good). We now have 3 baby chicks in the brooder! A Salmon Favorolle (Rex), a painted Silkie (C.C. Coalback, or Rag Jr.) and a Frizzle (Rebecca Feather) who was an accident. We asked for a dark Brahma and the woman who sold them to us seemed to have gotten confused! We can tell because shes about a week old and her wing feathers are already crazy curly.
I’ll post pictures, but the device I’m on doesn’t have any! Tell us about your chickens, and feel free to chat about chicken ownership too!
I’ll post pictures, but the device I’m on doesn’t have any! Tell us about your chickens, and feel free to chat about chicken ownership too!