California Love

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2009
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Sacramento, California, USA

"Hello there! I'm Mr. Bun and my new friend is silvermoon. She's not my total slave yet as we've only known each other for two months, but she's coming around."

Thanks bun! My intro post has a longer version of how we came to be together. Mr. Bun is my very first bun and he literally hopped into my backyard. He is turning out to be a fantastic pet.

I need a better name for him though, although the first order of business there is probably figuring out if "he" is a neutered male or a doe. Darn stray bunnies don't come with paperwork!

WabbitDad guessed he was a Palomino, and that's the best guess I've heard so far. The picture on the official breed page is terrible quality, but I've now seen some pictures on other sites and here that make be agree. He may not be fully grown if that's the case.

We have come a long way in two months. The first week we had to pick him up and move him out of his cage and he'd just shrink into the corner under my kitchen table, and hide every time we walked by his cage. I used bananas to start luring him out of his shell. I was lying on my kitchen floor with my arm fully extended and a little bit of banana on one finger tip! And more bits as a trail.

Socializing him has required a lot of patience. This month I give him pretty much free reign over the kitchen/living room in the evenings when I'm watching tv. He will hop up on the couch with me. Couch time= carrot time.

Yesterday he did two new things! He was sitting on my left side and I was actually looking straight ahead at the tv for a while instead of glancing over at him like I normally do. He was sitting upright, on his feet, in a position I call the Bunny Loaf. All of a sudden he did that sideways FLOP! that I've seen other rabbits do. He flopped right onto my resting arm! It surprised me so I looked at him quickly and he went right back to Bunny Loaf. Ooops.

Not too much after that, I noticed that he finally let himself fully stretch out. I have never seen him in that totally relaxed, back legs fully extended behind pose before. It made me happy. He's getting more comfortable with me!

Shelter buns
I also volunteer at the local SPCA and we have record number of bunnies right now. I was never very interested in the critter room, but now I know how interesting and fun bunnies can be. These poor buns only get out of their cages once a day in the morning, and maybe get 2-3 visits a week from volunteers. A bunch of them were born in the shelter and need some socializing.

I think the trick will be to go over when the shelter is still closed to the public but the staff is there (volunteers can do this) and use one of the visiting rooms. That's assuming I can get them out of the cages. The ones that need the most work are BIG Californians.

Over a year of working with cats and dogs and no injuries other than a jammed thumb. First day I try the buns? Poppy scratched the hell out of me! My fault though. I was holding her too high up on my body. I managed to get her out, and they like to hide their heads under your opposite arm (the one that isn't supporting their butt), so I was maneuvering around to try and get Poppy to calm down. Some visitors came in the room and distracted me and that was it. Bunny kicks right in the collarbone! Owie!

Of course her cage is on the bottom of the stack and I didn't want to drop her. Somehow I semi-loosened my grip and knelt down and boing! into her cage she went. I have some nasty-looking abrasions. That's really all they are. They look terrible but she only drew blood from one tiny little spot. Considering she got off 3 or 4 good kicks, I'm surprised it isn't worse.

The worse part is it happened with visitors/customers there. So I probably look like a total novice. Poppy was fine, I checked on her after they left. I just did in-cage visits with the rest of them. In the training it was much easier, possibly because they know when the cages get wheeled into the classroom that a bunch of people are going to be holding them. Yesterday I just waltzed in and broke up their routine.
Your bunny is adorable! They always make our days better too!
I am sure your bun will come around, just him some time.
are you sure he is a he? just curious because she looks to have a major bewlap which only girl bunnies get to pull fur from for nesting when they have babies. And it looks like "he"has a nice on going on.
He's very cute, but I think I already mentioned that in your intro thread. I'm glad to see you've started a blog.
I've been kicked by too many bunnies to count. At one point I had three scratches across my face from Fiona kicking me with one of her hind feet. That was awkward to explain to other people.
I am so in love! Mr. Bun is gorgeous. I have really been missing my Elf the past few weeks. I hope you post lots and lots of photos so I can get my Palomino fix here. He's just wonderful!

Me? Try to hide in this tiny spot next to the dishwasher? I would NEVER do that!

Thanks for all the kind words about Mr. Bun and the volunteering. Loveable lops: no, we are not sure he's a boy at all. Actually the more photos I see here of boy buns vs girl buns I'm pretty sure Mr. Bun is a doe after all. Ooops. My husband doesn't want to rename him/her though!

Hide and Seek!

So the picture has a funny story behind it. About a month after we first got Mr. Bun he was starting to get comfortable being out of his cage and away from his play area under our kitchen table. He had never ventured very far. At that point we were still having to remove him from his cage, he wasn't leaving on his own. So we let him out and sat down to watch tv. The part of the kitchen with the dishwasher we can't see from the couch.

Well, I heard a weird noise and went looking for Mr. Bun, figuring he was digging in something like a plant. He's gone! We cannot find him anywhere. We have a pocket door that blocks the back of the house (bedrooms and bathrooms) but we hadn't shut it because he barely moved from under the table. We look everywhere, every closet every dark corner. No Mr. Bun!

I know that rabbits tend to explore from a 'home base' and then return to it. So I figured if he was still in the house (and we hadn't opened the exterior doors) he'd go back to his cage. I put some veggies in to entice him and as he was still super scared of us walking around, we retreated to the office.

Twenty minutes later I hear a noise. Mr. Bun is back in his cage! Yay! Now here is where it gets stupid: I leave the cage open. He's never left it on his own, after all. Well, apparently his mysterious hiding spot is so fabulous that he leaves on his own and goes missing again the same evening. Doh!

I eventually had to sit stakeout in the hallway, very still, to figure out that he was hiding in that spot beside the dishwasher. It's about the height and width of a shoebox and we didn't even know it was there, at floor level, until Mr. Bun found it. It actually runs the length of the dishwasher and then is L-shaped behind it a bit. Sneaky bun!

When I took that picture I had blocked it temporarily with those plastic packing puff-pillows since I had just received a package. Well, that didn't stop him, that same day he jammed his little face and butt in there anyway. We now have it permanently blocked with a rolled-up towel.

Since then his new places he's trying to get into include next to/behind the fridge. We keep a bunch of plastic shopping bags there and I'm not sure if he likes the digging of the bags, the tight dark space, or both. We blocked it with a pillow. He also got behind the stand for our 55 gallon aquarium. Though he hasn't shown any interest in wire-chewing, there are a bunch of wires back there. That spot is right near the couch though, so we semi-blocked it with a box and then just clap at him when he goes over there.

He hasn't shown much interest in toys, at least not any of the chews I got him or anything ring-shaped. So far he likes to hide and he likes to dig. I made a digging box with shredded paper and he loves that and plays in it every day. I have a hiding box under the table as well, near the digging box. He likes to hop up on top of that and has recently learned to hop from there onto a kitchen chair. Yesterday he made the leap to the top of the kitchen table. I thought it was funny, my husband wasn't too happy with it though. Considering we rarely eat at the table I don't care, as long as Mr. Bun doesn't try to leap right off.

Shelter buns

Here is the owie from Poppy. My husband took this picture to remind me to be more careful when handling the buns. I haven't gone back since Friday, I usually only go over there once a week, sometimes an extra time on the weekends.

Then yesterday he wanted to pick up Mr. Bun, but Mr. Bun is too suspicious. So he made me do it. LOL. I did, the easiest way with Mr. Bun is to have him on the couch and I kneel beside it, then quickly cover his head/eyes with one hand and kind of scoop him into my chest with the other hand. Then I either leave him laying lengthwise or re-arrange him vertically with all four feet into my chest.

It worked well yesterday but he really doesn't like it. My husband thinks its adorable though. I didn't hold him for very long, maybe a minute, and put him back down. He forgives me and licks me, but then won't let me get a hand near his head again. Too crafty!
Oh, alright. yeah i think Mr. is a Mrs. so if you like the name just change the beginning to Mrs so its Mrs. Bun :biggrin2:
Looks like you have a girl because of the dewlap. you could have someone at the shelter sex him/her for you couldnt you? Either way your bunny is gorgeous!

We have decided to slightly rename the bun because we are now pretty sure he is really a she. While I was hoping for something with a slightly better ring to it than Mr. Bun, the husband and I were pretty attached to that name.

I was trying to think of something that would go with Bun, like Honey. Honey Bun? I jokingly said Fluffy and the combination made us laugh so hard. Mrs. Fluffy Buns. So he can call her Mrs. Buns and I can call her Fluffy or Fluffy Buns. It sounds ridiculous, but whatever. I'm still giggling about it just writing it here and I can use some more silliness in my life. So Mrs. Fluffy Buns it is.

We always (well, I guess I started it) said her name like a child would, anyway. Picture a 4 year old saying "Mister Bun!" I think that was part of the appeal. We babytalk to our fish too. (We have clown loaches aka 'the loachies' and a fire eel named George! maybe we just like exclamation points...)

That picture is Fluffy next to one end of her cage. We use old/un-matched pillowcases as privacy drapes and sunshades on her cage and now as a blankie on her shelf too.


"Carrots! NOM!"

Carrots are the ultimate bribe. That's how I coaxed her onto the couch in the first place and now couch time is carrot time. She also found a piece of popcorn buried in the cushions one day.

Which reminds me. She now thinks that couch time equals snack time, so anything we people are eating, she thinks is for her. Sandwich? Soup? Noodles? She has her furry little nose in it, trying to figure out if it's for her. And if not? She just keeps searching for snackies that she 'knows' must be there somewhere. This week I made microwave popcorn. Holy crap. In her past life they must have let her eat popcorn because she was at my ankles as soon as the smell starting emanating from the microwave. Then she was in my lap, in my face, trying to shove her nose in the bowl. I had to keep shoving her away! This is the bun who was petrified of us for weeks. I finally caved and gave her one piece and then another after I was done.

Two nights ago my husband got two apples, one for him and one for the bun. Cut pieces of for her. Well, he left the cores in a bowl on the coffee table. Yesterday she was sniffing around, sniffing around. I already gave her a carrot. Suddenly she sticks her head in the bowl and yoink! snags the apple core and takes off. They aren't supposed to eat the seeds, so I had to chase her. She did not want me to have that core! We have bookshelves behind the couch that are still empty (long story) and she likes to sit on the bottom shelves. That's where she took the apple core. Usually I can just reach out and take away a big food item, like a carrot piece if she snags it from my hand. This time she was going to run again! Sneaky little thief. I had to put a hand on her head to keep her still, then grab the apple core and put it in the trash. Guess I need to train my husband not to leave bits around where she can reach them!

She loves to lick me and recently has licked my husband once or twice as well, and tried climbing on his back when he was sitting on the floor next to the couch. She seems to now like having her cheek rubbed and her nose rubbed too. I think that's what she wants in response to her licking me. We're still getting to know each other.
I already have RO to thank for helping Fluffy Bun and I bond better. I never would have thought to do nose rubs until I saw someone mention their rabbit looking for them. During couch time Mrs. Bun likes to lick lick lick me, mostly on my arms and hands. I didn't know how to reciprocate. I tried cheek rubs, which she likes ok but didn't seem to love.

Well, I tried the nose rubs a few days ago and bingo! I think that's what she wants in return. Today she was shoving her little nose into/under my hand after licking it like "come on!" and then just melting when I did her nose rubs. So cute.

She was sitting to my left and in an awkward position where I couldn't nose-rub her easily. She started licking away at my elbow (I was watching tv) and just going to town and then...DBF! Second time ever. Just flopped over and kept licking away. I thought I should be nice and nose-rub but when I moved it startled her and she sat up again. Oh well, we'll get our dance moves choreographed some day!
Mrs. Fluffy Bun and the Mac&Cheese box

New video! I put rabbit pellets in an empty Mac and Cheese box and make her figure out how to get them out. She likes to throw the box around. She has yet to figure out that no rattling sound= no more snacks inside!

Once she grabbed the box by the opposite end and tipped it over right away, but she obviously didn't realize how she made the snacks appear as it usually takes her a while to get them all.

Shelter Buns
I tried working with the shelter buns in-cage a little this week. On Friday I didn't have much luck other than determining which rabbits are territorial/cage-aggressive. Which is most of them. I'm not surprised, those cages are all they have and grabby hands usually are not a good thing for them. Today I brought in celery bits and even that didn't work. They were all sniffing like crazy but wouldn't eat the celery even after I dropped it in their food bowls. Most of them went right back to eating hay, so it wasn't that they were too scared to eat.

Hops was out in foster care and is now in shelter. He's a black Californian/American mix so he stands out from the White Californian crowd. He is a little brat! Attacked my hands with his front paws, then turned around and gave me the old cold shoulder. Being unique and small he'll still probably get adopted soon, even being a brat.

Brownie and Barley are white Californians who also came back in from foster care but apparently learned more manners! I was able to reach in and noserub both of them and they seemed to enjoy it. Neither of them ate my celery either though.

Poppy has been very skittish the last two visits. She lies way back in her cage and seems to be panting. When I tried to pet her she stood up and charged me.

SnowBoard is known for being a diva. She also wins an award for demonstrating to me what a rabbit grunt sounds like! She did not want my hand in her cage, no way, no how.

Oh well. I'll just keep coming around and try new veggies. Next time I'll try some carrot rounds and see if that doesn't warm some hearts. If I can come in when the shelter is closed to the public I can probably get one of them on the floor in a visiting room and get a better idea of their 'real' personality.

So the news this week isn't about shelter buns but shelter dogs.

We have a foster doggie! This is Agnes.


She's with us for a few weeks while the shelter has some renovations done. She's an eight(ish) year old yellow lab (mix?). She came in stray so everything is guesswork. Such a sweet dog! Housebroken and good on the leash for walks. Her only flaw is that she's overweight and always always looking for food. She's found/gotten into some wrappers and stuff and snagged a box off a counter.

Mrs. Fluffy Buns was not too happy about this development at first. She hid under her shelf in her cage. We wanted to keep the animals in the kitchen, so we set up Agnes' bed near the table, which has always been Fluffy's play area. I have some big cardboard pieces I use to keep Fluffy contained over there, so I set them up to keep the two out of sight.

Agnes completely ignores Fluffy when she's in her cage and Fluffy has figured that out, so within a few hours she was out eating and such. We're trying to now slowly introduce them to each other with Agnes on a leash. Fluffy seems curious about Agnes and Agnes...I think she wants to play?

She's see Fluffy and start wiggling and whining and jump up to run over and see the bunny. Which makes the bunny hide. Cue doggie whining "where did the toy go?" Rinse and repeat.

I had the dog on leash and tied up last night and then sat between her and the rabbit. Fluffy came up on my lap with Agnes right beside me but whenever Agnes moved or made a noise Fluffy would dart back around the cardboard corner.

My husband and I are thinking about keeping Agnes but it really depends on how her and Fluffy get along. I would never leave them unsupervised alone, but I want to be able to let Fluffy out for her run time without having to confine Agnes or put her outside.

Considering her routine has been changed a bit, Fluffy is doing amazingly well having a dog in the house. She isn't as interested in sitting on the couch with me even if Agnes is outside or confined in the bedroom half of the house with my husband, I think she's constantly on doggie-alert now.

I didn't think Fluffy was that soft for a rabbit, but after petting the dog all week the rabbit feels like silk! Poor Agnes' coat is really rough though, probably from heat and poor nutrition on the streets. So it isn't even a normal benchmark for comparison. I just found it strange last night that Fluffy seemed so soft.
Fluffy is doing very well. We blocked off 'her spot' near the kitchen table with leftover cardboard boxes from when we moved in. It keeps her and the dog apart but gives her enough room to run around and play without being in her cage all day.

I've been leaving her out in that spot mostly unsupervised when I'm home. Apparently I did a stupid thing though: I left a nearly-empty bag of hay tucked into the corner near her cage. A few days later I looked over there and she had ripped into it and then dropped bunny turds all over it. Ooops! It was the last of the timothy hay though and she hasn't really been into it that much lately.

I bought some orchard grass a few weeks ago and now she turns her nose up at the timmy. Oh well, they're the same price. I'm using JoJo's Best for both, they come in big bags at the feed store. I'm debating getting a bale of something depending on price but I'm not sure where I'd store it. She eats a LOT of orchard grass, way more than she ever ate of the timothy. I need to get a hay rack for her but Petco didn't have any.

I bought nail clippers for Fluffy today but have not attempted the deed yet. You'll see in one of the pictures below, her nails are getting too long.

Pictures! I was cooking dinner in the main kitchen and she can't see through the cardboard, so she frequently stands up and tries to peer over it. It is pretty funny.


"Hey, is there something going on out there?"


"Or food? Got any food?"


"Mooom, get that flashy thing out of my face!"


"Fine, I guess I'll check out my play area instead then."

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