Calcium Content List

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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Belleville, Michigan, USA
Can someone direct me in the right direction?For the life of me I can't find a veggie list for rabbits with thecalcium listed. I know I had a list, but I can't find it now.

There's some more articles here too:

Although I also recommend reading this article on calcium in rabbits,if you're worried about feeding too much calcium. Itessentially says that while calcium in hay and pellets are important,high calcium levels in veggies are offset by the large watercontents. For example, if you dried kale it would have acalcium content of 1.6% (most nutrient listings go by dryweight). But fresh kale has a calcium content of only 0.24%.
Thanks so much:)
I was having problems with a messy butt situation and I was givingwilbur collards everyday and someone mentioned about the calcium. Ididn't realize how much calcium was in collards so I stopped that andput him on romaine and other low calcium veggies and it seems to beworking, because he hasn't had a messy butt in a while (knock on wood).That is good to know though :)
