Hi, This is my first post. I have 3 questions I hope someone can help me with...
1) I've seen cages for sale in my local pet store (I am in Canada) thathave clear plastic sides and a wire roof. I passed on this style andbought a traditional all-wire cage. But now, with the magnitude ofbedding (and poop) that gets kicked out of the cage and tracked ALLOVER THE HOUSE, I am starting to think the clear plastic cage wouldhave been better. Can anyone tell me if they use and like this style ofcage??
2) I recently bought a bag of Kaytee Aspen bedding that had very largeshavings, but since I have only been able to find Kaytee Aspen beddingwith small shavings (Kaytee cust svc still hasn't replied to my emailinquiry). The larger shavings work better for me. Can anyone help mefind brands that have big shavings?
3) Our rabbit is about 10 months old. How will I know when she needs to be fixed? So far she has shown no signs of changes.
Thanks, Amy
1) I've seen cages for sale in my local pet store (I am in Canada) thathave clear plastic sides and a wire roof. I passed on this style andbought a traditional all-wire cage. But now, with the magnitude ofbedding (and poop) that gets kicked out of the cage and tracked ALLOVER THE HOUSE, I am starting to think the clear plastic cage wouldhave been better. Can anyone tell me if they use and like this style ofcage??
2) I recently bought a bag of Kaytee Aspen bedding that had very largeshavings, but since I have only been able to find Kaytee Aspen beddingwith small shavings (Kaytee cust svc still hasn't replied to my emailinquiry). The larger shavings work better for me. Can anyone help mefind brands that have big shavings?
3) Our rabbit is about 10 months old. How will I know when she needs to be fixed? So far she has shown no signs of changes.
Thanks, Amy