Cage Setups

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Ashley B

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
rubicon, Wisconsin, USA
Ok soo I've has my bun for a while now but I seem to get bored of his same old looking cage and Im afraid he is to. I was wondering hoe I should set up my cage. It's a one story wire flooring (I have stuff for him to sit on) two food dishes, one water bottle, woodblocks, two kabobs, and his litterbox(that has to stay in left back corner,)

so how do you think I should put his cage?

Any ideas on what else I should get him?

And pics of your setups would be greatly appreciated!!!

Yes well that is the reason.. my bunny seems to have doubled in size over the months! It's driving me crazy! :panic: I'm buying a new cage (the wire floored one i mentioned) and i don't know how I'm going to set it up yet. there for the reason being ideas on how to set this cage up! thank you!!

Well were still working on the potty training part it's coming along!!! And unfortuanly all we have by us right now is the wire cages... But I have tons of towels,wood, and more for him to walk on!
Maybe you'd want to get a water bowl. They say rabbits drink more when they have a bowl & bowls are easier to clean. You could add a bowl & then a few days later take the bottle away.

And how big will the new cage be?
Umm i've actually tried the bowl before but no luck with him drinking from it and the new cage would be 3 feet by 5 feet! thanks

That's large enough for a few things you don't have now. Mine loves her cardboard box with 2 entrance holes cut in it. In just 10 days she's enlarged the holes & tried to do so much digging that I had to put a new cardboard piece on it's falling-apart floor.

In a week or 2 I'll know how her new sandbox is working out, where she can do some actual digging.
I bet your rabbit is adorable! :biggrin: my bunny loves laying down but he could never do that because how i have the cage set up so im looking for new ways on arranging it so he has more space because i have a fairly large house for him to sleep in :p

You dont need a water bowl if he drinks from his bottle, and a bottle is less messy. Just stick with what works for you :) as long as he drinks from it, a bottle is fine.

When I got Rocky a bigger cage I just played around until I liked the way it was (I still move things around!)

Rocky doesnt mind me moving things around, as he is on his own it gives him some entertainment. That's entirely up to the bunny though and if yours doesnt like change then keep it how it always is.

When you first move your little on into the new cage leave things in one spot until he is used to it, rocky acted up a bit and got a little stressed if I moved things. 3 month later and he is fine :)

You sound like you have everything! Just get a cage that is big enough to put all of his things including litter tray, something in for him to jump on top of like a box and a few toys in. and also that he still has a little space to hop around.

Have a look at a few of the threads on the site as people have posted pictures of their cages and such and there are some really good ones!


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