Cage Floor.....

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
It seems that Bun-Bun's illnesses and problems have happend ever since he got his new cage for Christmas.
His old cage had a wire grid bottom. The new cage just has a plasticbottom. So, if any thing like poop or pee or litter gets on the floor,he can step and lay on it. Which I'm worried about. Wire grid keeps itmuch cleaner. Should I get a wire grid? My Grand Dad can easily makeone to fit in his cage. I would hate to put him back in his old cage,he's way too big for it.

Well I haven't had my buns long but from whatI've read and seen others use the plastic flooring shouldn't be givingyour buns a problem. Most people seem to use some sort ofsolid flooring whether it's plastic (I have a rubbermaid plastic matfor their floor), linoleum, carpet, tiling, or wood.

Using a wire grid mainly makes things easier to clean up. Ifyou have a wire grid in the cage it's also a good idea to put maybe agrass mat or some other form of softer flooring in one section of thecage to give your bun something nice to rest on.
You can make a wire grid floor elevated over theplastic bottom so you still use the cage but the rabbit doesn't have tolay in pee and poop all the time. I use all wire flooring because myrabbits make huge messes with solid flooring. If they get sore hocks(where all the fur rubs off the back feet and they might bleed) I usematting to cover a small area. That way he is more likely not to spoilit and still have a clean cage. I hope this has helped.:D
Is he litter-trained? If so, solid flooringshouldn't be a problem (I use linoleum). But if you choose to go withwire flooring, be sure to provide somewhere solid for him to sit/lay(like a grass mat).
I don't know how big your cage is..but possibleits just too small for the bunny. When I do use cages I havealways used hard flooring covered with layers of newspaperbutcleaned the area daily very well with vinegar and water and placed oldtowels or rugs in the bottom plus a litterbox with litter. That waythey can lie on the soft towels. Do you clean the cage alot? I lovebunnies with my entire heart and soul but do admit they can be messy.Also is your bunny altered? as he/she will becleaner if they are. I can't see how the flooring is related to illnessunless you can't clean it frequently ;)
We have a cage at the shelter donated byPetsmart that stands on wheels and has plastic coated griding insteadof wire and a plastictray underneath. This works well as Iput something soft on one side and also a litterbox and when the bunnyis on the plastic coated griding it doesn't cut his feet. Only problemis that I think that cage cost a lot. it is easier to clean up than thesolid bottom

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