Cage Floor/Potty Training Issues

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New Member
May 27, 2010
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Northern Colorado, Colorado, USA
I have an eight week old Holland Lop. I purchased a cage for her that is basically a 6" deep plastic bin with wiring as the upper portion, and so far here are my problems:

#1. She chose a corner as her litter spot so I moved in a litter box, next morning she had flipped it over and thrown it around the cage (despite the fact that I had tied it down), I then replaced the litter box and tied it down tighter, this time she made an immediate point of relieving herself under her hay rack. (maybe I just thought that was her litter corner- but that is the only place I found urine)
#2. Because of said litter box issue she leaves droppings all over her cage and then smooshes them into the floor as she continues in her daily routine, which she then lays in and walks through all day
#3. When she stretches out she slides down and pushes all of her bedding to the far reaches of her cage (including into her food bowl) and leaving a bare spot in the middle of her cage, aiding in #2

I am very against wire floored cages but currently they seem like the best idea so I am looking for any alternative plans to remedy the situation.
Thank you.
I'm not sure how big your whole cage floor is but what if you take a plastic sweater box that will cover half the cage and fill that with your litter of choice. Then hang your hay rack over one side of the litterbox. Rabbits like to eat and pee/poop at the same time. So if you have the hay over the litterbox then she has to be in the litterbox when she decides to take a potty break. Once she's used to using the actual litter filled box then you can slowly phase to a smaller litterbox or perhaps the one you started out with originally.
Is this bun housed indoors? If so, the following should help you:

For the accidents, pick up the poops and put them in the litter. I still do that to this day, esp since Snuff is losing his once good habits due to cataracts and laziness...:nasty: Any pee accidents, wipe up w/ a napkin and place in the pan.

No need for bedding, imo. Just a mess. I wouldn't use it. That could be (mostly likely is) contributing to the loss of litter habits as she thinks she can go anywhere, the box means nothing...

My first bun tipped his litterbox! We ended up drilling two holes in the back on either side and wired it to the cage, lol! You could try that. He can still flip it up, but maybe it'll stop as it will be too much work, haha. Ours did.

Best of luck! Silly buns...:D


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