cage designs

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May 24, 2006
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Boone, North Carolina, USA
In August I will be moving into a biggerapartment and living by myself and I'd like to give Burton a biggerspace to have fun with. Right now he is just in a rectangularcage and I feel bad for him when I have to go to class and leavehim. I have seen a few of your cages with lots of ramps andplaces for the bunnies to climb and I was interested in building onemyself. Awhile ago I saw someone had a nice layout witheverything you need and the measurements and stuff, does anybody stillhave something like that? I don't know what the panels arebut I think I've seen them called NIC something-or-othersmaybe. I'm only planning on having one bunny but I stillthink he needs a lot of space to move around and stretch his legs whenI'm not there to let him out. Any ideas for my buddy Burton?
I have pens made out of those. NIC isa brand name that used to be used. I don't know if it's evenmade anymore. They are wire shelving grids, and you can findthem at Shopko, Target, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and sometimes otherplaces like Home Depot and Walmart. Peapoo is from NC alsoand she has a cage made with those grids. You could pm herand ask what stores she's seen them at in your area.

There's a lot of different ways to build these cages. Itdepends on your wants and needs. There are severalstep-by-step instructions available, but it's nice to be able tocustomize for your bunny and your available space. Of course,that's the joy of these grids. You can always change the cagelater if you need to. All you really need is the grids, zipties (for stability), and something non-slip for the floor andshelves/extra levels.

This is one example of instructions: (scroll down)

And here's a different one:

There's a whole bunch of links in the Bunny 101 cage thread, including links to threads here about making grid cages:
Cages and Hutches: Housing Your Rabbit

And this thread has lots of examples of member cages. If you want instructions for anything in particular, just ask.

Thanks so much. Burton is going tolove having a new home. At this very minute he's inside hiscardboard box shredding it up, haha. Not that that's hiscage--it's just like his little girl's playhouse, haha.
hi thricekitty!:wave2

i live about an hour away from boone...the only places that ive seenNIC cubes around here are at target and bed bath & beyond... ithink the ones at target are cheaper..and they also have craisins;).

i built peapoo an NIC cage a few months ago because i thought sheneeded more room...then we got petey, so i decided to make the cageeven bigger...i really like using nic cubes because you can add onwhenever you want to and design the cage however you want...and peapooand petey love their cage!

where do you live? I'm from Atlantabut I go to Appalachian State up here in Boone. By the way,your black and white one looks exactly like Burton. Both ofBurton's ears don't flop though, one is usually up and one is usuallydown, haha.

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