C&C cage with a loft.... help!

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Apr 24, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Just got a new bunny and got the wire cubes from kmart to build a custom cage. The cage i built is 3 cubes long, with a loft/second story above one cube. Everything seems fine except my bunny will not go up or down the ramp. His food and littler box are upstairs, and his water is down stairs. The ramp i have in there is several layers of chicken wire, with a towel on top of it. It seems sturdy enough and it doesn't seem too steep, but he just seems afraid of it.

Should I get something else for the ramp? I have seem cages like this online and bunnies using the ramp, but poor Monday just doesn't get it! Right now he needs to be picked up to go from food to water and I don't think that really works for either of us!
I am not totally clear on the situation but this is the kind of ramp I use and it seems to work because it gives their feet a little place to catch-http://www.google.com/imgres?q=wooden+bunny+ramps&start=175&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=933&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=ns6ciGu4eH0QgM:&imgrefurl=http://budgetbunny.ca/2011/01/18/building-your-own-bunny-condo-a-step-by-step-how-to/&docid=zjwKZIDZc0A2wM&imgurl=http://budgetbunny.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/IMG_2478.jpg&w=563&h=422&ei=JnikT5K1MsfD0QHolsX-BA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=179&vpy=301&dur=1066&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=156&ty=92&sig=113421895430061659032&page=6&tbnh=134&tbnw=177&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:175,i:5
Those are good ideas! I dont have anything the right size for a step up right now, and no wood, so I will have to do this tomorrow. For now I moved everything to the bottom floor. It's a little less space than he had, but at least he can reach his stuff.
It'll take him time to adjust. New home, new people, new stuff! I'd switch to a box too. :) Let us know what you decide and let's see some pictures of that cute little guy! I saw your post when you got him - he's so awesome!
Thanks! He is a cutie huh! I will definitely take more pics soon.

He is now climbing up the ramp and "flying" across the cage to the litter box, and climbing up the ramp and flying, and repeating lol. I think he may think it's playground equipment

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