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If you have recieved an inappropriate email, please report it to a Mod, who will take care of the situation.
No reason to have someone trying to make drama with others... Take it to a mod, and they will deal with it, K? :hug:
You should report them to a moderator or an admin, so the issue can get resolved. It wouldn't be fair for you to leave the forum if another member is picking at you.

I am very sorry you have received a disturbing PM :(.
Aw, don't let one sour apple ruin the RO experience for you! :( I'm sorry someone sent you such an upsetting PM. :hug: I do agree with the others, report the member.
Wow that is awful:shock: I am sorry to hear that. Please don't leave RO I would miss you!

You should really tell a mod.
Why sisters is 'taking a break' -> 'cause someone saggested she put her bunny down 'cause he has the snuffle's'

Sister and I have been told time and time again by vets that if they are still eating popping and drinking, they are more than likely just fine, like a human, even though the bun can't tell you they are just fine. We were very concern for fluffies when he started rolling nonstop when we rushed him to the vet. We were scared to death of what happened, but putting him down was on our last option. We would do anything we could to help him out, took a good 6+ months for him to return to normal and about a year until he we all good. Right now fluffies is fluffies, we love tilting our heads to say HI to him in the morning too ^^. The vet told us too this was a common thing too in lop eared bunnies, we wouldn't put a bun down unless it was 100% neccessary, i think everyone on here can agree with that. We personally have only put 1 rabbit down because her nipple had cancer and she was several months later not starting to eat or drink. It was an extremly hard decision we had to take as we had her since she was an itty bitty thing.
Some people should only speak if what they have to say improves the conversation..

In short.. some people are jackasses...
Don't you dare leave. Or even a break! Some people have very outdated info when it comes to rabbit care. Trust me I have heard some nasty comments when it comes to Ringo. He has been fighting "snuffles" for 3 years actually the sneezing and discharge for more or less his whole life which makes it 4 years this month or 4 years from when we got him which would be July. We just have to help them learn a grow.
I agree...sometimes people are misinformed with an illness, or they deal with things the way they feel is best; but that doesn't mean it's right for you or your rabbit. And sometimes things can be suggested with the best of intentions, but it winds up hurtful anyway.

Back when I had Raph (my disabled bunny) he went through an episode where he began choking on his dinner. Since I don't have a vehicle I called my sister in a panic, looking for some way to get Raph to a vet. She told me, 'Just let him die. If he was a wild rabbit, he'd die anyway.'

Her intentions weren't meant to hurt me, but her words certainly did, simply because she did not have the connection I had with Raph, and she dealt with animals differently that I did. I've since learned that in having a chronically ill pet, there will be comments - and suggestions - that may or may not be well-intentioned; we simply have to let them roll off our backs.

If you feel the message you received was intended as a malicious one, then absolutely do pass it on to a moderator for consideration. But please don't allow it to upset you into leaving; you're a treasured member of RO and we'd hate to see you go over it.

Just remember: bunnies are known for having thin skin, so their caregivers learn to grow thick ones for them. ;)

I sure am glad I didn't have Tiny put down when he got snuffles shortly after moving here....we'd had him just a couple of months. I would have lost out on so much.....

I'm sorry you were so hurt.

Does it really matter what some random on the internet says? He is YOUR rabbit and you will know what is best for him, and whilst you can discuss (with those you know and trust) what you and they think is best and what the options are, ultimately it comes down to you and what you decide to do. Even if the person is someone you trust, if you think what they said is irrelevant then discard it and carry on with what you think is best.

At the end of the day they are just a random and hold no significance in your life at all.

Plus, don't forget, this forum now has an ignore button :D
Good God don't let someone chase you away just because they don't have the compassion and love for your Bunny that you have. I think you are an amazing Rabbit Mommie just like 95% of the people on RO. Don't let 1 "Bad Apple" spoil for you.

I'm sure some on here think Chris and I are doing too much for our Buttercup, after all they probably think he's 10+ years old. We will know if and when the time comes to do the right thing for him as you will know with Fluffy.



You really must stay as we Canadians have to get our membernumbers up on RO. LOL

JadeIcing wrote:
Don't you dare leave. Or even a break! Some people have very outdated info when it comes to rabbit care. Trust me I have heard some nasty comments when it comes to Ringo. He has been fighting "snuffles" for 3 years actually the sneezing and discharge for more or less his whole life which makes it 4 years this month or 4 years from when we got him which would be July. We just have to help them learn a grow.
Ditto! The number of people who when Chalk was ill asked why we were bothering to have her operated on... it made me mad, but I just had to ignore them and do what I knew was best for my bunny. That's what matters in the end, you and Fluffy!

I'm sorry you got hurt.... I don't want you to leave though. I would miss you and your bunners too much!


I can't beleive someone would tell you to put your rabbit down over the Snuffle's :?Especially when their advice wasn't even factual.
Bassetluv wrote:
Just remember: bunnies are known for having thin skin, so their caregivers learn to grow thick ones for them. ;)

I love this!!!!

I am so sorry that someone felt the need to send you a pm that was disturbing, but like everyone else said dont let one apple ruin it here for you. Hope you feel ok enough to stay with us here.

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