bye bye bots!

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Am I ever off the hook.:plololol

In a happy turn of events, the bots in Bub and Iz came out on their ownwith minimal damage--I never even saw them leave, and didn't do a thing.


The tiny leftover scabs are finally going away, and the lumps are nowtotally flat. Bub's hair is growing back where the vet shaved it tomake it easier to remove them later.

dum de dum de dum.....*singing happy didn't-have-to-remove-bots song*


:rofl:Rose You are such a NUT ! glad to hearthe Bot removal was done on its own , ( rewwwwwwwww,gross , icky ) ok I have controlnow lol ' . Glad everyone is 100 % again .
yah, one of the nastier bunny jobs....and I'm off the hoooook....hweeeeee!!!!!:D

Oh, folks, speaking of golden boy....I found BABY PICS from last summer. Ohhh, man, he couldn't get any cuter.

THEN, I found teeny-baby pics of Pandemonium and Fenny and theirsisters, and some of Jasmine and Prince Charming, who have been gonefor years. Wow, talk about memories. Jasmine was so much like Tank,something like a Pal/Flemish/who-knows-what cross. 9 lbs. of pureattitude.

I'll post them on my home thread soon.:)
hmm... I'm afraid to ask what 'bots' are... but I am intrigued.
How do u know there gone?? Just wondering.. I am glad they are ok now!!

mygrl2k3 wrote:
How do u know there gone?? Justwondering.. I am glad they are ok now!!


when they are present, there is a bulgy lump and a scab on top. No morelump, and the scab is going away, so I know they are gone.:)

About the size of the end of your thumb, or somewhat smaller. If it's pinhead size, it's probably a scab.


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