Hello! I've had my sweet boy, Ocean, for a year now of whom eats so much grass and the grass! Omg! It gets expensive! I currently buy him 10lbs bale online which lasts him 2 weeks but the chance that it's a good bale is such a gamble. Often I receive old, burnt, dry grass that would be cruel to feed him and because I've opened the grass to examine it I can't return it or get my money back (I've tried) which is such a waste. The grass I can return are at local stores but the amount they sell is so small and twice as much. I recently saw that a farm semi near me, the only farm that sells grass, sells a combination bale of Timothy and alfalfa but I heard alfalfa is not the best for adult rabbits? I'm on the fence on getting any and I'm just so stressed over this, owning a rabbit has been such a joy if only I could get some tummy good hay for him. Anyway my question is if I should get the Timothy alfalfa mix or if anyone has any good grass company/site they recommend that sells at least 10lbs bales? Or if anyone faces the same thing over hay? Would love the comaradry! thank you