If its mixed with another grass hay, then its not a big deal. As long as the majority of it is orchard then I wouldn't have a huge problem with it, if it were me.
Most all the grass hays have the same nutritional properties. Grass hay is just grass thats dried out, lol. Its all about the same.
You should just check to see what color it is. You're not that far from me and if its first cut then its from like July of last year and it might be a little yellowed, since theres no grass growing right now. Just make sure its green or mostly green, once it turns to yellow, it loses a lot of the nutritional things. I think you should be able to look at it and decide if its a good enough quality. You just have to use your best judgement.
Summer time is just around the corner, you'll be able to get some really fresh first cut soon enough. I can't wait for summer and that first cut! Its the best. But I understand your concern for expense, they eat a lot of hay!