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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
My six and a half year old bunny developed a limpin his front right paw last night. I took him to the vettoday to get it checked out. The vet said it's either asprain or arthritis. He gave Buttercup a painkiller for arthritis andsaid iti if it wasn't better in a couple of days to bring him back forx-rays. I don't think it"s arthritis because arthritisdevelops over a period of time.I think it's a sprainbecausehe just started limping over night. The vetsaid if it wasn't a sprain or arthritis. Hesuggested itmay possibly be bone cancer.I am just terrifiedatthe thought of that. Does anybody have any experience with asituation like this? Could you please offer me yoursuggestions about my situation.


go withwhat your vet is saying ,with artheritis tho it isnt an overnight delopment it may not showits self for a long timeand it may just pop up over night , itmay not have been bothering himmuch till now , its so hardto say im not avet but i do live withartheritis , some days i dont know i haveit other days well wewont go there , most likely it isa sprain , what was he/ shedoing prior to the limp , didde jump off a high place , run intosomething , all factors to lookinto . I wouldnt worryon bone cancer justyet treat it as you woulda sprian ,.