Butler Show Results

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
What an amazing day! I met a lot more people, and may have my Polish bunny sometime soon. But anyway, the results, first, because I'm about to bust. LOL

Kitty wanted to take her Alfie doe. I don't care for the doe, and only bought her for 4-H meat pen entries (and we're buying the babies back, so nobody panic! :) ). I tried talking her out of taking her, but she insisted she liked her. So......

These are all under Judge Joe Colucci (and I hope that's the right spelling!):
Twila- won Senior Doe
Trisha- won Junior Doe
Alfie- won 6/8 doe, then took Best Opposite Sex

Here she is with Judge Joe, and her first bunny trophy. :)

Max: OMG! This rabbit is going to be the death of me. LOL We're showing under Ron Petras (love his heart!). He takes her out of the box and puts her on the table. He takes his hands off her, to start posing, and she takes off. I'm talking full-out, down to the American class at the next table. The judge at that table (Tim Branham) was like, "Oh, I see we have another American entry". LMAO At that point, I wanted the room to swallow me up. haha Anyway, he really liked her. She won the junior French Lop doe class. :) One bun short of a leg, but still a win.

Unfortunately they were VERY disorganized, so didn't stay for the second show. They didn't have the breeds being shown under any of the judge's names, so you had NO clue where you were showing, nor even what breed was before yours (so you knew when you were about up). The Lops and a few others were supposed to be checked in by 8:00, and start showing at 8:30. The rest of the breeds were to start at 9:00. Well, the entire show didn't get started until almost 9:30, so they started off really behind schedule...and stayed that way.

And they were big on having comment cards filled out. We entered Show A, handed in our comment cards, and waited. When Kit's Cals were up, they didn't have a single comment card from her! We had to scramble and make new ones (with the judge waiting the entire time, wasting even more time). So we leave, and she gets a call from a girl at the show (in her 4-H). They waited for TWENTY minutes for Kitty to show up for Show B. They said they were entered, and they had the comment cards. We NEVER handed in our entry forms for Show B nor the money, because the last double show had us getting home around midnight and the kids are still in school. So they've crammed the comment cards into the wrong folder, and then wasted time waiting. From listening to the other exhibitors complaining, the cards were messed up all day.

Anyway, had a good time, but sure was glad to be back home. The next show is May 5th, and it's only about a 45 minute drive. YAY!!!
Congratulations! Sounds hectic but fun!

Thrilled for your daughter and her bunny. Great pic!

Excited for Max! So funny she took off! Well, the judges will definitely remember her and her antics! lol

Glad it all went well and you had a safe trip.

Wishing you luck on May 5th!

Congrats!!!!!!!! We were in Maryland for Dwarf Hotot nationals, so we couldn't make it to the Butler show (which is very close to me).
Thanks, everyone! Karen, that's not exactly how I want Max to be remembered. LOL When I picked her back off the table, I whispered one word.. "STEW" in her ear. hahaha

Oh, and not one scratch, either! Forgot to mention that part. My daughter, on the hand, got some nasty ones when her junior decided she wasn't having any parts of that showing stuff. It's funny, but she didn't laugh at all...unlike when I'm the one carrying the battle marks. LOL

Pam, how'd you make out at nationals?? Hopefully you were warmer down in MD than we were up your way!
wendymac wrote:
Thanks, everyone! Karen, that's not exactly how I want Max to be remembered. LOL When I picked her back off the table, I whispered one word.. "STEW" in her ear.

LOL nice Alfie looks like a nice doe in that picture! Congrats to your daughter!!

And thats funny because everything you described in that show are very common mistakes at the shows i go to. They never start on time, cards get misplaced and found later in the show for a different class, and we always have to listen for our breeds because they rarely write down who is judging what breed.

Maybe I'm just used to it lol
Sarah, then I must have gotten spoiled. This was the first time I ran into all this disorganization. Frustrating for the exhibitors and judges, both. I mean, come on...how hard is it to take a marker and write down the breeds on the poster? Hell, half-way through the show, and they still hadn't decided on who was going to judge what breed. They were just winging it. Plus they had a LOT of very young kids running the entry stand. So that's probably a lot of the problem with the entries in the wrong folders (not to mention the comment cards).
I have been involved in horse shows for years. I've been show manager for a couple of different circuits. Organization is key. And horse show entries are more complicated than a rabbit show, plus the announcing, scratches/additions to classes right before they go into the ring, etc.

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