Busy Weekend, But very pleased....

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
This past weekend was a very busy one for us!

Friday we went over to see Dakota at the trainer's and he is doing fine. He has a "girlfriend" horse he gets turned out with..... she's 2 and a thoroughbred! She's adorable. Another horse has had her foal and we are in love with it! I just love being around all of them.

Saturday, we had to finish up things for my niece's baby shower (which was yesterday) and it really took a long time. Then Hubby let me know he would be out of town this week so I had to get all of his laundry done and packed cause I left early yesterday morning for the shower........ and came home long enough to get Lexi's saddle and off we went back to see Dakota..... who she rode!

Now Lexi has ridden him several times but never for long and never out in the open fields...... and she's never loped him very long at all..... She was a bit nervous...

I was amazed! She was, too! Dakota has improved quite a bit in the 20 days or so he's been there! Just little stuff..... and our trainer dude helped us with some things.... one thing particularly got to me..... we've always been told to jiggle the reins a bit to get their head down...... and he showed us another way..... IMMEDIATELY Kota put his head down!

Long story short...... Lexi rode him in an arena forever..... and he did really well! Needs some more steering but he's gonna get it and he'll slow down for us..... Then she took him out to the 40 acres behind the barn!! There are race tracks, and barrels and poles to work with and she was in horsey heaven! He was an angel! She couldn't stop talking about it!

I'm not sure if she's even going to show Pokie this year. She's pretty fed up with her rearing crap. However, here's a photo of Pokie beginning to drool on the farrier..... "oooooooo I love you Trav!"


i like the manicure the horse is getting on its hoof.
sweet horse!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
one thing particularly got to me..... we've always been told to jiggle the reins a bit to get their head down...... and he showed us another way..... IMMEDIATELY Kota put his head down!
That's interesting. What did you do? When I rode, I was always told the same as you.

I meant to reply to this before and just remembered! I am so behind on things, I keep making mental notes and I've just got too many of them. Need to actually start writing stuff down! lol.

This is great news about Dakota! I bet you guys are so pleased with his progress... That's amazing just in that amount of time. Very exciting.

lol at the picture of Pokie... he looks pretty relaxed!
Thanks guys :)
The way he told us is (since you should always flex the neck and that's how most are started out..) to pull your inside rein back and down a bit towards your hip and the outside pull it over and put a bit of pressure on it... towards the inside... and his head came right down! I was shocked. He trains bigtime race horses too so he's a good trainer.

MORE PROGRESS: We went to see him again on Wednesday and Lexi rode. Well, the wind was strong and they were stopped along the wall in the indoor arena when suddenly - BANG!! a piece of metal flipped and hit the roof and scared them to death! Kota dropped his butt and flew .... but she held on and when we said "WHOA buddy!" he stopped... nearly throwing her over his head LOL! He's so good about whoa! They were fine and we laughed it off! Our trainer guy came back in and got on to work him a bit ... he tied the reins on his saddle horn..... and took off!!! no reins.... only leg pressure to move him about..... and FASTTTT!! and up into the corners and cutting across..... perfect! Kota is doing AWESOME! he comes home this week! We can't wait. :)
She IS Ali and I am too but some of the horses have a cold..... Kota is one of them. I think we'll go see him today and decide if he's too sick to bring home or not. If he's sicker than just a mild runny nose, I'm going to take him to the vet. I've already talked to them about him. This darned weather is doing it. Cold, hot, rainy, hot, cold..... SNOW on Saturday! it's crazy here!

Even some of the race horses won't get to go to the tracks this weekend if they are sick! There's a big thoroughbred there that I adore! (well there are several, but this guy is just a sweetie!)

Kota is one of the biggest "Puppy Horses" that anyone ever has had around here! I call him that because he's such a sweetie - gives you hugs, follows you like a shadow and generally loves attention! his dad, who is right across the road from me (closer than my own live) is very sweet too and he's still a stallion! This boy will suck on suckers! LOL! He's so darned adorable too!

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