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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
Ok well tomorrow morning I get a new foster. (Halo my moms rescue was adopted!!!) My new foster will be alittle black female lop! I am dying to meet her. Though she has slight aggression issues. No socialization.

Than depending how my schedule is adjusted (they messed it up BIG time) I will be getting either Wednesday or Thursday I will be getting the two buns I am bunsitting for two weeks.

My cousin had her baby early by almost two months. He is 4 and a half pounds. ELVIS WEIGHS MORE! He is a strong little guy and she is also ok. So YAY!

I have the flu! :grumpy:Feeling better mostly achey.

We put a hold on bonding and are taking time for just us and the buns. We feel like we were neglecting them by constantly harping on bonding. So we want to take time and be with them. Not bonding.

Ok what else....My mom's two buns are coming after the bunsitting is over so I can work on the bonding her two.

I am also in the process of getting a chat squad going. An planning the next session. I think the next one will be about bonding. Human to bunny and bunny to bunny. Or may break them up into two chats.
JadeIcing wrote:
I have the flu! :grumpy:Feeling better mostly achey.
I started getting this yesterday or maybe the night before....I forget. I feel horrid....my thoughts are with you - Art says I'm at the "beginning" of the flu.

I'm thinking I may just go to bed and try to sleep through it.

Glad you seem to be at the other end of it...

Me to! It is a girl!!! I love girls more. I have only had one foster girl so far. She was a trip. Than my Teresa and Sam (RIP).

Not sure when she is coming cause of my screwed up hours. They messed up our hours so bad this week.
Wow...I really sympathize with you about that flu...HORRIBLE this year! I hadn't been sick with the flu in about three years...so it was quite a shock, this one!

Hope you feel better soon...both of you!

I can't wait to see the new foster girl! How neat! :)

Hey...I'm considering bonding Maisie and Fiver in a couple weeks. Not sure just yet if I want to go that route yet...but my thought was, if they wound up bonding, they would both have a friend and not be so needy for love. Not that I mind giving them all the love I possibly can...but they're both so dependent on me for it...I think they'd be happier having a friend. Just hoping that Maisie's dominance gets cancelled out by Fiver's submissiveness. I think they could make a nice pair...

Anyway, congrats on the new foster girl!

Hope things calm down for ya at least a bit soon...


Congrats on the new baby in the family:).

Be very careful you guys with the flu. My husband had it then got a sinus infection. (You'll know this if it feels like your teeth are hurting.) Then he got Pnemonia, bad. It came on very, very fast too. From the xray at er, they said almost one whole side of his lung was full of it:shock:. You may also be achey before it hits.

Get better soon you guys, try to take it easy.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
:biggrin2:I'm getting my foster! I'm getting my foster!I'm getting my foster! :biggrin2:

I know!I know! I know!:D Congrats on your new baby:p.

I want you to deal with you're health first, you silly girl;).

:pI feel fine. Tired but fine.

She is precious!:biggrin2: