Busters Being Bad

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Ok heregoes I am about at the end ofmy rope , Buster and Jack Arethe RabbitsIgot from a member of this forum , Jack isa Love He certainlly is a goodbiy , But Buster on the otherhand has gotten really rotten ,Keep in Mind He hasnt beenaltered yet , And unless MyHusband can take time from workI dont forsee it happening anytimesoon Heres why.

He has Bitten me notonce but Twice ! drew bloodboth times , now before everyonejumps here me out . I have donenothing but feed this bugger ,I give him the same treatsi give everyone else , which is freshgreens timothy hay etc nothingsweet or bad for anyof them , and whenthey do get sweettreats it a bit of carrot ,apple slice , or a pieceof raw pumpkin, ora small chunk of pineapple.

Here is where the problemarrises , I get near hiscage and he will charge thedoor , litterally trying to break thru it, and if I can get him to goto the back of the cage ( patience isa virtue ) I wait the buggerout , I will open thedoor and yard his dishout so I canfill it , sometimes the brat idfaster than I am and he nailsme , Also If i walk byhis cage the first thinghe does is Spray ! < gack >Twice yesterday and again this morning .I really thought they had to build up areserve for that sort of thing , huh notHim anyways .

My Husband , Cassi ( the 7 yrold ) friends etc can walk outthere , open the cage and he isMr lovealbe he willlet them pet him make ofhim , feed him etc,clean his cage ya knowdaily chores , Now most times Iam the only one home during theday who can take care of him, I am not afraid of him justtired of the biting and spraying, and i also fear one of thesegrand days he is actually goingto knock the door offand get out into traffic . Idiotshere wont stop fornothing . Has Anyone gotany suggestions as to what Ican do with this guy, he isbeautiful and I think heknows it lol but sucha litteral Pain .
Well, you know what Tina and I think, Gypsy.

As to suggestions, Buck's rabbit is like that. Luckily, he'smellowed with age, but in the past he's been horrible to Buck andBuck's the one giving him all the TLC - just like you. Sameissue as well because Buck and The Missus had a child come over andvisit and before they knew it, the little one reached in thecage. Buck and TheMissus kinda freaked, but beforethey could stop her, Micky was mellowed out, and chucking his teeth toher petting him.

I don't really know what to tell you that you haven't already tried ordon't already do. You'd think the stinker would sense how youlove all of God's creatures, but for some reason, he's got to show youwho's in control.

Buck has used the discipline tactic of putting your hand on the rabbitshead and gentle putting it to the floor as a method to try to controlthem. A doe will do this with babies....get on them to showshe's boss. Just like the dominance issue. Wouldn'twant to see you get your hand bitten worse trying to get to himthough. Pam's not too keen on the technique. Youmight find some controversy out there on it. It's been spokenof in our archives, but I'm not sure what post.

I hope the monster has bitten you for the last time or else your husband may soon have a craving for Rabbit Stew.

**" else your husband may soon have a craving for Rabbit Stew."**

Now theres a thought lmbo* not in this house lol

I have triedthe dominence thingwith the hand on the heand buteverytime i try he will zig left or rightand avoid it and thenext time he gets me in my oldlady fats im gonnachoke him that really smarted , brought atear and everything lol . I dobelieve when thehubby gets home he isgoing into a smaller cage , Maybe thenhe will be easier to deal with, right now the poop has ahuge double cage for him self , lol notto mention a smaller cage willmean less accuracy in spraying hehehehehe , (I hope :shock:). I dohavea Friend whowould love to have him butif he does the same thing toher he will be back inno time . well will deal withthat if she decidesto take him geesh , sillyrabbit .

I had almost the same problem with mybuck. Until I noticed that it wasnt that he hated me it was because Ismelled like my other bucks :? As long as I fed him first he would befine, but if I went and pet the other bucks he would freak out and tryto attack me :X Not sure if it is the same thing with yours though,just something to think about :)

I thought that tooAmy so I went in thru the backdoor where he is thefirst cage in , it doesnthelp any first doesntalways mean nice bunnylol I swear he just doesnt likeme or something , atfirst he was a real sweetheart come rightover for petting andhugging , but this all changed withingthe weekend , If any others wereacting strange like this iwould swear someone was botheringthem at night , But noone else is , Not eventhe flakey New Zeland , Or thegrump master Lightning ? So atthis point I am clueless ,
My lil fella was like that too....he never bitbut he sprayed me when i am by him. He was fine with my Bfwhich I live with. He also charged at the gate to let him outwhen I was by. Things have changed now he is fixed!He has never sprayed and is getting better with letting me have theupper hand on when I go into his cage or open it.
I've been having a problem that sounds a bitlike yours. My bunny is the sweetest little guy when I'm grooming andplaying with him, but he cannot stand my fiance. I didn't know a rabbitcould hiss until I saw it happen when my fiance tries to pet him. I waswondering if rabbits are like birds, do they bond with one person anddislike the other? There doesn't seem to be any reason for him to hatemy fiance so much (I'm the one Floppy should be annoyed with--I takehim to the vet and get into his personal space when I clean his cage).He's been fixed, so I know that's not an issue.

lmbo AmyI hopeyou never do eitherIT STINKS!!!!!!!! and like a skunkodour it isnt easily gotten ridof either lol ,. I have lost more clothesand sneakers to naughtymale rabbits , lol .
BlueBird as I havesaid I cant get nearthis foolish rabbit ,I dont think it hasanything to do withMating I am tending to think it has to dowith breeding , His mother wasa dwarf and the fathera larger breed rabbit , Imthinking it may have something to dowith the cranium hittingits final size butthe brain continuing to growfrom another breed , This happens morecommonly in Dogs but i dontsee why it wouldnt applyto rabbits also . Dobermin Pinchers havethe same problem . Maybe Pamhas some thoughts on this ?

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