Burst abscess!!

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New Member
Feb 12, 2016
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My bun had an abscess on her head just next to her ear. I have taken her to the vet twice about it and the vet told me as long as it wasn't hurting her it was fine to leave. However when I checked on her earlier I noticed that the abscess had burst! There is now an open sore where it used to be. The vet isn't open until Monday and I will take her in first thing, but what should I do until then?? Please help!!
Usually a burst abscess would be cleaned out with sterile saline and possibly a weak betadine solution, and sometimes packed with manuka honey. However, since this is likely connected to the ear canal I'm not sure if this is still a safe procedure to be flushing an abscess when the liquid could end up in the ear canal. Consulting with a rabbit savvy vet is really what is needed right now, but I understand that being the weekend it makes it difficult. Is there an out of hours vet near you that is experienced with treating rabbits?

For an abscess, your rabbit should be on antibiotics and anti inflammatory pain medication. If the vet you saw didn't put your rabbit on any antibiotics or pain meds, and told you to leave an infected abscess alone without any treatment, this is completely wrong and you may want to consider looking for a more experienced rabbit vet if at all possible. As a rabbit with an ear infection/abscess should be put on a good antibiotic and pain meds, in the least.

Here's some info on abscesses in rabbits that might prove helpful. Best wishes and I hope your bun will be ok until you are able to get to a good vet and receive the correct treatment.