Burbling and Gurgling.....

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2012
Reaction score
SW, Arizona, USA
OK, so I know burbling isn't a real word (Is it??) but Heart, our new Giant Flemish bunny did this to me, a couple of days ago. It was so lovely. This is a good sign, right? :biggrin2:
janedoe wrote:
Sounded kind of like a low rumble. Got the impression it was a sweet thing....Mde me sooo happy!
That's what Kreacher does. A low rumble. I got so excited too. Knowing that your bunny is pleased and is letting you know. Priceless in my book!

Congratulations Janedoe. You got your bunny telling you everything is A-OK!

K :)
Nancy McClelland wrote:
Just like a feline purring.

So true. So amazing how closely related cats are with bunnies. How clean bunnies are, just like cats. The different sounds like purring and hissing that bunnies do, that are just like cats. And also aloofness, when they don't want to be bother, just like cats.

I know all rabbits are individuals, as cats are. It's just amazing that they sound the same. And some traits are noticed in both breeds.

K :)