You could try using an air purifier.Is your house air conditioned? When was the last time thefilters were changed? That helps me a lot. Iwouldn't be surprised if some rabbits have allergies, as other animalsdo to.
Poor little Pez has allergies, we think it isdust and/or hay. He getssneezing so bad sometimesthat his ears hit his cheeks and I think he just might leave the groundand soar off into the sky lol... Poor little bubby
Fenny's been fighting horrid allergies for most of his life. Poor guy. So far it's aggravated by:
wind-borne whatevers
Sheesh. It's a losing battle. He gets up in the morning, sneezes likemad, wipes his nose, etc. etc. Last winter it was so bad the skin onhis nose cracked. It looks like he has pasteurella, poor boy. Anyway,that's the bad side. The good side is that he's otherwise bouncy andhappy, just snuffly. He makes some funny noises, especially in winter.
I've become enthusiastic about rainy days, when he gets instant relief.It is frustrating, but happily not life threatening.Mostaren't as severe as Fenny.