Buns Act Like They Don't Like Veggies....

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
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New Carlisle, Ohio, USA
Not so much Rascal, but Daisy acts like she don't like Veggies. They don't get excited or even eat it right away. Is this normal?

I just introduced them to stuff a fewweeks ago or so. They have had romaine, parsley, cilantro, dandelion greens. The only thingDaisy will eat is romaine. Rascal usually will eat it in time.

Thanks :) April

I don't know, but I hope others answer! My 6 month old bun will still only eat romaine or leaf lettuce. Even though his pellets are reduced to an adult level now and he acts like I'm starving him, he will not touch anything other than his favorite lettuces. I hope others have some tips!
all our rabbits act differently. Some gobble their vegetables while others will take it slow, but do eventually eat them. Sometimes, when you introduce something new, they don't eat it. We've found that perseverance pays and that not all of our rabbits like the same things.
For a while, neither of mine would go near ANY fruits or vegetables. We tried apples, bananas, cherries, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, strawberries, celery, cucumber, parsley, and more. Heck, I even started to put random foods in their faces to see their reactions (cotton candy, chicken tenders, potato chips, cupcakes, lemons, onions, Chinese food...don't try these btw) and again they refused everything. All they wanted was pellets, timothy hay, and sugary treats.

Then we discovered Spring Mix. Ronnie gobbles up the baby lettuces, and looks forward to his salad like it's a treat. Billy not so much. He sits there delicately nibbling a small piece of lettuce and then pushes it away with his paws, but at least it's a start. I've tried to sneak a piece or two into Billy's food bowl, only to find that he's thrown it into his bowl of water :grumpy:

So, from my personal experience, Spring Mix is the only suggestion I can offer. We've also had very limited success with celery and parsley.
Sunny is weird like that too. A few days ago, I have her a little handful of lettuce; she gobbled them up! :biggrin2:. The next day, I gave her another, she sniffed them and just sat there. But then I noticed that for some reason [and for her, it only applies to veggies :p] she eats the lettuce, but only when I'm not looking. She's such an odd character;)
All rabbits are different and have different preferences. It's not abnormal, it's fine. If her eating habits change, or are you concerned then get her teeth checked, but chances are she just prefers other things.

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