Bunny's chewing habits

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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My bunny, Shadow, has plenty of chew toys, but she insists on nibbling on our clothing and other cloth instead. If we lay on the floor with pillows she'll chew on the pillows or on the tops of shirts (by our faces) or pants. She usually doesn't put holes in the materials, but I don't understand why she won't use her chew toys. She has various wooden blocks/toys, a pinecone, a willow basket & ring, and fruit tree sticks. She'll play with them by tossing or pushing them around, and she'll give them a little nibble if I hold it up to her face, but she will not chew them. She'll munch on timothy cubes, so I don't think there's a problem with tooth sensitivity or anything. The vet said she's very healthy,but her teeth were a little sharp, so I shouldgive her some chew toys. What good are the toys if she won't chew them? Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
She might think she's grooming you! Bunnies often use their teeth when grooming each other. How old is she? It's common for young bunnies to nibble as well and many grow out of it.

You could try standing up and turning your back on her when she does it - she will probably figure out that when she nibbles her friend leaves.

Or you could just wear old shirts :p
She's almost 7 months old. We've been gently pushing her away when she does it, but I can't say that it's helping any.
How long has this been going on? It may take a while to change her behaviour, but consistency is the key. I second what Elrowen said; make sure you do something (turn your back, say 'No!' etc.) and make sure it is the same thing EVERY time, so she knows, and won't become confused. If you tell her 'No!' and turn around one time, and at other times ignore it and keep stroking her, she won't understand.

Does she get lots of hay? Hay plays a vital part in bunny dental health. Chewing and eating hay naturally wears bunny's teeth down, and keeps them together and healthy etc. Of course, even if a bun eats lots and lots of hay, they can still get dental problems etc., I'm not suggesting that.

Make sure she always has plenty of fresh, good quality hay 24 hours a day, and try and encourage her to eat it- this may help.

Jen :)
Sabrina really likes to lick and chew on cloth as well so I gave her an old washcloth. As long as you bunny isn't eating the cloth it is a safe way for them to get their "cloth fix". She still licks my clothes but has mostly stopped using her teeth.
We've had her almost 4 weeks, but she only started chewing on cloth within the last week or so. She gets unlimited hay (timothy), which she eats regularly. She isn't eating the cloth, just nibbling, but once in a while she'll make a hole. I don't think that making holes is her goal, I think she just gets carried away sometimes. I thought about giving her a dishcloth or washrag, but wasn't sure if that would be okay for her. We've been gently pushing her away when she nibbles. Should we add a firm "No" as well? Maybe she isn't understanding the pushes?
Hmm well sometimes Benji can "nudge" me affectionately during our grooming sessions. He sort of rubs his nose against my hand and then maybe on my leg, and then shoves it in a little nook if he can find one, and a few moments later will then start demanding his 'turn' lol!

So perhaps she thinks you are sort of..taking part in the grooming? It depends how hard you are pushing her (NOT that i am suggesting you should be shoving her hard etc haha!!!!), but if it's only very gentle, maybe she is misconstruing this with a bit of a grooming nudge/stroke?

I think adding a 'no!' in there in a firm, non-playful voice could help. Does she seem to respond to you when you are being verbal- calling her etc. Does she know your tone of voice? Because if so then she will know the 'no' is an unimpressed one.

It is possible she really is just being affectionate towards you. In that case I am not sure what to suggest.

Perhaps!! Oooh, perhaps when she is nibbling, place you hand under her mouth (stopping her) and 'demand' a groom. Show her that is they way you like to be groomed. Every time she does that, place your hand between her mouth and the cloth, and encourage her to lick you.
She definitely knows my voice. Any time I get on the floor and call her she'll come to me from whatever hiding spot she was in. I'm going to try placing my hand between her mouth and the clothes when she starts nibbling to see if that discourages the chewing. It seems more like a grooming thing to me. I've never really spoken to her in a firm voice, so I'm going to try that if putting my hand under her mouth doesn't work. Thanks for all the ideas/advice, I appreciate it!

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