Looking for some support. 6 months ago out vet said our boy Thor who is around 8-9 years old had what she believed to be testicular cancer(one greatly enlarged testicle) we had gone there because in his age he was having alot of issues with his rear end staying clean and we believed he had an infection. We treated the infection but it came back a few times his stool soft and mushy kept getting stuck. After she noticed the testicle she did a chest x-ray and informed us it seemed clear and that the only real option was surgery but due to his age, health, and reoccurring infections the odds of him surviving the surgery(or post surgery complications) were quite slim. We decided to let him live the best life we could and say goodbye when it was time. He's a little fighter. He tolerates his butt baths a few times a week his infection entirely cleared up. He chases us and the cats around the house and loves his scratches and ear rubs. The problem is now his ball is massive small fist sized and it's got patchy white blotches on it as well as an infection again...
Can anyone give me an insight. I'm calling the vet tomorrow to see if we can prescribe something for the infection but the white blotches are new and very sensitive to touch or wash...
Can anyone give me an insight. I'm calling the vet tomorrow to see if we can prescribe something for the infection but the white blotches are new and very sensitive to touch or wash...