Yes -- some bunnies can get rather large ordouble dewlaps. Hormones, diet, and heredity are some factorsthat affect when/if a doe will develop a dewlap and how big it willget.
In some breeds, a dewlap is a disqualification for show. Abit of trivia -- the Giant Chinchilla is the only breed that has aspecific disqualification for a double or side carried dewlap.
om my gosh!!!! that bun has a major dewlap....still a cutie pit though hehe . well i am going to make surethat our baby is going to get alot of exercise since she isout all day in the living room hehehe
My little ND hasa dew lap that 2 times the sizeof her tiny head , lol it looks socute to see her resting her headon such a huge pillow, she isntover weight she only weighs 11/2 lb, but i thinkthe majority of theweight is in her dewey lol . itsso funny to seethedewey and 2 tinyears poking out of it . LMAO.