Bunny Trances

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
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NSW, , Australia
I have read somewhere about trancing a bunny???What is this? Why do it? Is it a play game or something medical?(pardon my ignorance ) I can't remember where I had seen it or what itwas.
It's basically when you put your rabbit ontohis/her back and get them to relax so completely it'sasifthey're in a trance. There are some very good posts on hereabout how to do it if you ever want to try, just click on the searchbutton at the top of the rabbit forum page and put in trance ortrancing. People mainly do it because it's much easier to clip arabbit's nails when they're tranced - though there are other times whenit can be useful too. Hope this helps :).


I bumped up a couple posts about trancing. Check it out.


Wow sounds pretty cool!

I might try it with Bindy one day but maybe not just yet , we have hadher for just over 3 weeks now and she will be 10 weks old next saturdayI don't want to freak her out too much. Is it safe to do on a youngbunny like Bindy or best to wait till they a bit older??

sounds good though :)

Bo B where abouts is your friend? I am in Wagga Wagga.

Ang, Liverpool is not far from where I grew up ( Parramatta is where Iam from) I left Sydney a while ago and travelled etc and now live about5hrs drive sth of Sydney in Wagga wagga. I love it here, and yes mybindy is a cutie :D

Brett (my other half) is going to show me how to get my pics of Bindy smaller so I can post a couple of her :)

Thanks carolyn for the posts the link from JIm was good with the pictures
I tried trancing Iszy this morning. She was relaxed for awhile then freaked out.
Might I also suggest to be careful as to whereyou try to trance them in the beginning, for the exact reason of them"freaking out" when they come out of it? I know Jaden loves to besnuggled (tranced) and it only takes two shakes of a lambs tail inorder to do so, but when she wakes up HOLY ! She immediately rightsherself over and by that, she flips over on her front and becomes onewith the floor again. For that reason alone, I use to only doso when sitting on the floor or chair but since I have becomeaccustomed to her doing so, I have been able to react to her quitesuitably before her "WHAT? WHO? WHERE? happens...*smile*

When I bring mine out of a trance I simply put myarm in between their legs (from their tail to their chin) with my handon their chest. The I put the other hand on their side and gently pushthem sideways. That is enough to wake them up and it prevents them fromhurting themselves in their panic while trying to right themselves.
I found I can trance Bunny by putting her on herback and rubbing the underside of her front paws. She goesout like a light.

edwinf8936 wrote:
Ifound I can trance Bunny by putting her on her back and rubbing theunderside of her front paws. She goes out like a light.
That would send my 2 into fits! They are seriously ticklish on the feet --it's sofunny.
Bo B Bunny, The Bretts' are good fellas (well mine is anyway )

The more I read about this trancing the more intrigued I am becoming. Imight give it another week and then I'll try Bindy with it and see whathappens :?

I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
How long is it safe to keep a bunny in a trance? Benji hasbeen out for about 8-10 min now and hes totally out of it!

Note from Buck in previous post:

I once had our first rabbit, Montie, tranced for 45 minutes upon ourpicnic table before he was "startled" awake by a birdtweeting. He was bolstered up on either side by towels, so hewouldn't roll over inadvertently. Seemed like hehad a nice nap, to me.

Thanks for posting Missy's "trance" photos, Carolyn. She's such a big headed, big footed magoo, but I love her so.


Carolyn wrote:
I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Howlong is it safe to keep a bunny in a trance? Benji has been out forabout 8-10 min now and hes totally out of it!

Note from Buck in previous post:

I once had our first rabbit, Montie, tranced for 45 minutes upon ourpicnic table before he was "startled" awake by a birdtweeting. He was bolstered up on either side by towels, so hewouldn't roll over inadvertently. Seemed like hehad a nice nap, to me.

Thanks for posting Missy's "trance" photos, Carolyn. She's such a big headed, big footed magoo, but I love her so.


Benji was down maybe 20 min before he was startled and woke up! He seemed like he was fine
I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Benji was down maybe 20 min before he was startled and wokeup! He seemed like he was fine
That's because Benji is a goofie bunnie to begin with.

Try not to make him any goofier that he already is ;). I bet if Benjicould laugh he'd sound like Chet....ya know, the rookie reindeer fromSanta Claus II.
Shadow is the only bun I can trance and I'm noteven sure that's what it is. Last night, he was on my lap forat least 20 minutes while I trimmed some matts off his chest andbelly. He never moved, but his eyes were open the wholetime. Maybe he's just REALLY good and he trusts me?That's typical - the only good one and he doesn't belong to me!



I remember first reading this post and then trying to trance Bindy andthe first time I actually did it really well was in the vets rooms LOL

Laura seems to me as though you tranced Shadow. Bindy has her eyes openas well, if you gently lay them on their back and support them and thenrub from the tip of their nose back towards their ears, then theirlittle heads slowly lay back and relax and I always tend to see Bindysteeth at this point LOL, her mouth slightly opens.

I usually can only keep her there for a few minutes or until a big noise comes on the tv or outside etc.

Quiet freaky really to think that they are in la la land with theireyes wide open ***play spooky music here*** Oh and Laura Shadow doestrust you and he is really good with you, I believe animals know whothe "goodies" and the "baddies" are.
ariel wrote:

Shadow does trust you and he is really good with you, I believe animals know who the "goodies" and the "baddies" are.

Thanks. My two girls must think I'm a monster! Ican barely hold them. Maybe it's a girl thing, because Tobywill let me do almost anything to him, too. Someone here(can't remember who now) once said "girls =snotty and boys =snuggly". That pretty much sums it up at my house.



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