Bunny speed dating...

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Christina - Moderator
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Central Coast, CA
I asked at the shelter I volunteer at aboutbringing Fiona in to find another bunny, since you're really notsupposed to bring other animals in. The three ACT's I wastalking to said that since it's a rabbit, not a cat or a dog, and sinceI'm a volunteer, they'd let me, but only while one of the three of themare there, and if anyone else asks, I just wanted to show her to one ofthem or to have the vet take a look at her.

They usually don't spay/neuter the animals till they're adopted(because if they don't get adopted, they've basically just wasted moneyon the spay/neuter), but apparently they have some kind of deal with arabbit rescue that they won't euthanize any more bunnies for now, andthey're all spayed/neutered and microchipped. I didn't knowthey microchipped rabbits, Fiona didn't get one when we got her, butshe came from a different set of shelters.

Anyway, any tips on how to go about the speed dating, what I should be looking for?

We will probably be the only ones in the rabbit rooms there, they're inthe back and people only go there if they ask to, they can't justwander in. There are some empty cages, and I think an ex-penthat we could use.
Good luck!

Essentially all you're looking for is that they don't immediately hateeach other. Some rabbits fall in love instantly and willstart cuddling and grooming within the first few minutes, but thatwon't always happen. It's more likely that they'll be shy andwill watch each other for a bit before cautiouslyapproaching. Mounting is okay as long as the "bottom" rabbitisn't stressed. It's a dominance thing, although it mightstill be sexual if the boy was neutered recently. It's notunusual for one to bat the other's nose or to pull a little fur, but ifthey're moving to a confrontation like that quickly then they might bea little aggressive together. Always make sure you canseparate them quickly in case they get aggressive. Rabbitscan do a lot of damage to each other.

And the thing is, they're $25 right now, but onMonday, they're raising the price to $50, I think it's partly becausethey aren't euthanizing any, so feed costs more when they hold themlonger.

We were walking through a pet store today (looking at stuff, though thepuppies are cute, I would never get a dog or a rabbit from a petstore.) They were out of bunnies right now, though I've seenthe baby bunnies in there before, but they sell them for $50.In other words, you can buy a bunny from the pet store for the sameprice as a spayed/neutered, microchipped shelter bun. Thatmakes the choice really easy for me.

We also went to Pier 1 and got two willow balls for $1.50 each.

Okay, I'm going to go take a shower now, we'regoing to call in an hour and make sure one of the ACT's I'm supposed totalk to is there, then head over. That'll be an hour beforethe shelter opens. There are a bunch of puppies that areavaliable today, and they're adopted out on a first come first servebasis, so there will be alot of people at 11. If there aremore than one people interested in one animal, it goes toauction. Luckily we'll be in hte back, away from all thecommotion.

I'm so excited!:colors:
He's home! I'll be posting pictures in my bolg for those of you who would like to see, once I take them...
we have pictures... everyone, run to the blog!


