Bunny Sneezing and runny nose?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2010
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Hello there, I have a 14 week old holland lop bunny. A week or so ago, I noticed him sneezing when I hadn't before. I thought maybe it was his litter, I had used CareFresh then changed to a cheaper scent free wooden shaving litter. Well, I changed litters again from the shavings to wooden pellets they use for horse stall bedding. He is still sneezing. It's not bad, a couple times here and there but seems like almost every day. And sometimes he might do a double sneeze, sneeze sneeze, two in a row. Well I noticed that the fur under his nose looked just a tiny bit matted, like wet? and tonight I was petting his head/face and noticed his nose seemed a bit damp? Nothing running out of his nose, and no signs of anything on my hand so whatever caused the damp feeling was clear. He hadn't been drinking water lately, so it can't be that. I know this may seem minimal, but I try to keep a close eye on my little bun so at the very first sign if need be I can whisk him away to get care. He means the world to me and I couldn't let him get sick. He is acting great, playful and loving as usual, the only difference I have noticed is he doesn't eat as much hay as he used to? He still eats it just not as much, but he loves those pellets. I don't know if that's important but I'll mention it anyway. Should I be concerned for any reason or is this normal bunny biology? I know cats get wet noses now and then, so maybe bunnies do too? He doesn't act ill at all, but I dont' know if sneezes and damp noses mean anything. Thanks so much for any advice.
bunnyluv96 wrote:
Hello there, I have a 14 week old holland lop bunny. A week or so ago, I noticed him sneezing when I hadn't before. I thought maybe it was his litter, I had used CareFresh then changed to a cheaper scent free wooden shaving litter. Well, I changed litters again from the shavings to wooden pellets they use for horse stall bedding. He is still sneezing. It's not bad, a couple times here and there but seems like almost every day. And sometimes he might do a double sneeze, sneeze sneeze, two in a row. Well I noticed that the fur under his nose looked just a tiny bit matted, like wet? and tonight I was petting his head/face and noticed his nose seemed a bit damp? Nothing running out of his nose, and no signs of anything on my hand so whatever caused the damp feeling was clear. He hadn't been drinking water lately, so it can't be that. I know this may seem minimal, but I try to keep a close eye on my little bun so at the very first sign if need be I can whisk him away to get care. He means the world to me and I couldn't let him get sick. He is acting great, playful and loving as usual, the only difference I have noticed is he doesn't eat as much hay as he used to? He still eats it just not as much, but he loves those pellets. I don't know if that's important but I'll mention it anyway. Should I be concerned for any reason or is this normal bunny biology? I know cats get wet noses now and then, so maybe bunnies do too? He doesn't act ill at all, but I dont' know if sneezes and damp noses mean anything. Thanks so much for any advice.
with a rabbit any change in behavior is generally wakeup call.//.sneezing,damp nose and all.//.must not use a litter box -or their environment-any clay/scented clay/pine shavings/cedar shavings--use timothy/orchard grass,,this will give them something to do while going potty-and it is a safe environment for which to do their thing.//.as far as sneezing watery eyes,etc.-this will require a culture for bacteria and then the appropriate action taken...sincerely james waller-note,there is no substitute for a good grass diet,,which makes up 70% of the daily diet,plus a small amount of quality lowfat pellets,,,excessive treats(greens) can cause watery poops..
It could be normal, but since it is new for him I think it warrants a vet check to rule out a bacterial infection (the most likely cause of sneezing and runny noses)
Damp noses sometimes happen from stress but should go away in a day or two. A bunny his age should also have a very large appetite. I would take him to the vet. Is his hay dusty?
His has is a bit dusty, yes. It makes me sneeze sometimes when I fill up his hay rack. He doesn't seem to be stressed out, I don't know what would make him stressed...he usually does have a large appetite, but lately hasn't been eating as much of his hay. I used to have to refill it every morning, and now I just fill about half way. But maybe that is he doesn't like timothy anymore b/c last time I gave him orchard grass, or maybe I am feeding too many pellets? I just want to know he's ok and I would hate to overlook it if it's a symptom. I feel neurotic over him, but he's my first baby bun and I want him to live many happy healthy years with me. But I also don't want to see symptoms where there are none.

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