Bunny skin problem mites????? help

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
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, , United Kingdom

Ive booked an appointment with my vet cant get in until tomorrow !Noticed patches of dandruff on my bunnys back and his hair comingout.You cant see it unless you part th eskin.I look after my rabbit andammortified to say the least !I clean his hutch and beddingdaily !

It looks similiar to this picture.I cant post a picture as my bunny haswhite and dandruff wont showup.

It could be anything but im worried ! His skin looks red under and itdoes look sort of like exzema( eg flakes of skin).Ive googled on theinternet which has made me totally worry more ! He is well in himselfno different from normal.

The only thing i found to describe this was mange mite or Cheyletiella! Does anyone know about bunny skin problems??? I do have 4 cats butthey are treated with frontline once a month ! If it is thiswhere will he have caught it from??? His hutch as i said is cleaneddaily .

Please help im worried:(

Thanks he does not look like any of those pictures ( thankfully).Itsvery flaky and dry skin coming away with th efur in patches.

Im just waiting til i get to the vets tomorrow.Where do they pick these up from?

They get them off other animals. Ifyour bunny has not had contact with other bunnies could hehave been near any mice or other rodents?

Don't be worried about it. Whether it is mites or somethingelse skin conditions are not usually serious and I'm sure your vet willbe able to help him. It is good that you are taking him for aproper diagnosis, this is the best thing you can do. If he isstill eating and doesn't seem subdued then he is not in any pain ordiscomfort as rabbits usualy go off their food and become quite subduedwhen they are hurt.

If he does have mites don't be embarrassed it is not your fault, itsnot because he is dirty these things just happen.
Hi,i have cats but i treat them with frontlineeverymonth this protects aganst this .As for rodents well the cats seewe dont have any mice etc! He does however have the full run of thegarden.I do get visits from squirrels and a fox .
kat70 wrote:
Hi,i have cats but i treat them with frontline everymonththis protects aganst this. As for rodents well the cats see we donthave any mice etc! He does however have the full run of the garden.I doget visits from squirrels and a fox .
I know that Frontline is a flea & tick control product, but I didn't know that it could be used for mites as well.

kat70 wrote:
yes ,

Frontline Treats them all.

Okay, I see where it says the Frontline Spray is listed for mite control.

kat70 wrote:
However Frontline is no good for Bunnies!
Sorry, I wasn't stating that you should use Frontline on the bunnies. Iwas questioning wether or not it was effective mite control for thecats.



Iwouldnt be without it ! Im so paranoid of my cats picking upany thing , thats why im worried where my bunny has got it from.:D

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