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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
, British Columbia, Canada

My friend had to leavewith her family for the dayto visit her Grandma, so I'm now babysitting Poppy.It'sonly until Sunday afternoon.She's a minilop (or holland? not sure) wtihlazy, straightears. I've talked about her a bit on here, and I'm so happy! She's here now, and I just have her running around downstairs. She's two years old. I was going to adopt her when my friend thought she couldn't keep her while sher moved, but they found a way to move her.

My friend asked me to clip her nails (Very long, and I was shocked becauase If I hadn't cut them, her dew claw was curving and would have gone into herpaw). She's easy to trance, so I just tranced her and cut them. She is so laid back, I can pick her without a struggle. She's eaten a bit since she's arrived and drank some watter. I'm just going to keep her downstairs for the night because I don't want her scenting up Pebbles new cage, and the other cage I have is too small.

I have to load some pictures, but they will come shortly!

I'm so excited, this rabbit is the sweetest little girl!
Alright, uploaded some pictures!

She loves to be held :D.. Unlike my two.. :disgust:




Me trying my skills at trancing.. she is a good starter bunny to trance, very laid back!



And some pictures of her trying out her new nails and wandering around the house.










Aww isn't she justbewdiful,i just wuv those wittle bunny wips

Spring,are you gonna be able to give her back?now your not going to make any excuses just to keep her there a bit longer are you,hmmmm?

Probably Not! Although I was playing with her and she nipped me hard enough to make my finger bleed.. so enough play time for tonight! If I did 'borrow'her, I don't think I could afford her appetite! She eats anything I put infront of her :disgust:! She's pooping up a storm too!

I'm happy she's adjusting to the change and eating and drinking well. I wish I had a rabbit like her.. my two both hate being handled, but Poppy loves to be fused over and cuddled.. :D

Hm.. I think I might see if I can "trick" Pepsi into coming out so I can clip her nails as well.. they are getting very long!

Thanks Cheryl!
Hehe,i can just hear Pebbles and Pepsi "ohh mum,do we have to share our food,wahhhhh"

I love the name Poppy,i had a little girl rat called Poppy,just like the pretty little Poppy flower:inlove:

Aww you must tell your friend that she has a pretty little girl,with a pretty little name:)


Hehe! I had Poppy next to Pepsi's cage and poor Pepsi was trying to be friendly and started sniffing Poppy but Poppy didn't even pay attention to her.. :(

I like the name Poppy too! I'll be sure to tell my friend!

I went down and checked her. She has the whitest little teeth! :shock:
Hi! Poppy went home a few hours ago. She was gladto hear my friends voice and sniffed my friend and chinned her. I don't think she liked being in the room at night though because I had lots of thumping noises coming from her!

I'm hopping I can babysit her again, but I had fun while she was here! :D
I sure do hope so!;)My friend calls me "her auntie" :p. I just can't get over what a doll she is! She is so sweet..

Hmm I should maybe go bunnynapping tonight.. ;)


Come to aaaunttieee!:hug:
Oh wow! Almost similar pattern as well! She even has two of Poppy's signiture smudges above her nose :). Tha'ts my favourite part of Poppy, that little oval splotch of gray above her nose :).

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