Bunny Room Construction Under Way

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Well, we went out and bought the first round ofsupplies Saturday. Kevin was moving everything upstairs, losthis balance and fell halfway through the ceiling. He scrapedhis leg pretty good, but thankfully didn't break any bones.So now we have a big hole to patch! He's working on theinsulation and floor now. I'll be glad when this part is overso I won't have to worry about him falling any more!

He hopes to have everything done in six weeks. Wish usluck! I can't wait to get the bunnies up there.They'll have so much room to run! My hubby really loves me -doing all this in this heat! We're hitting 100 degrees thisweek!

I'm wondering what to do about the stairs. Would it bedangerous to let them play on the stairs? I can always gateit off if needed.


I am so glad Kevin is ok. phewww. I amso happy for you. I can't wait to see pictures of it. I'm sure thebunns are going to love it.

Apollo and Athena loved running up and down the stairs. I wouldjust watch and see how they are with them. If they start slipping orsliding or it looks like they might get hurt you can block it off. Ithink they'll have fun doing bunny 500's up and down the stairs.

You just have to do something extra nice for Kevin now. Working in this heat for the bunnies...What a great Guy.

There is nothing quite like having a bunnyroom - I love it.

I'm sure you'll enjoy your new bunnyroom. Be sure to hug that sweetie of yours for being such a help.


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