JadeIcing wrote:
I at sometimes have had to choose who went to vet first who needed more.
Weeks when I have to take Ringo in to the vets or get him meds they don't get veggies.
These facts I can understand. It saddens me that vet care costs so much in this country (probably in
any country, though) that people are forced to make such choices.
At times Ringos care is so much that when he is ok on his own again I have to rebond with the others. I loose ground with them when Ringos health is bad. When you have multiple singles they do at times suffer lack of attention. We at times only have enough time to feed, water and change litterpans.
This shouldn't become the case for us, although who can say for sure?
On the plus side, our two girls are technically bonded. We choose to keep them separated (by an NIC panel divider) in order to keep a closer eye on who's is eating/drinkingwhat amounts. Also, I like to keep an eye on how much urine Emma's producing, which has been excessive at times (despite test results being "normal").
But they are bonded and come out to play together at night. So a third bun would be like having a second bun, in the sense that he'd need his own time out until I could work on trying to bond him to the girls. (If that doesn't work, I certainly wouldn't push for another bun.)
I knew what I would have to do to keep Ringo healthy and I still took on others. I sometimes feel like I short change them.
I'm coming to grips moreso in terms of Zoe's care. I gotmyself worked into afrenzy over her issues. (It didn't help that the vet to whom I was taking her didn'tadmit that her issue was chronic and, instead, played on my fears and had me making a follow-up visit for every regular visit that I initiated.)
Now the plus side. I have more to love. I have some that I never see sick and can just enjoy.
That's what I want, too: A house bun who doesn't exhibit issues (esp. stasis issues) every 3-5weeks.
The last thing I will say is that my mind is always open to thefactthat anyone of them can become as ill as he is.
True. For this boy, though, I'm willing to take the risk.