So last night Miss.Muppet was having a great time racing around the living room. Bunny 500s and binkies like crazy. She is way more active then Fraggles. She was having a good time until she ran face first into the entertainment center. She was bleeding pretty good from her nose and so (you know Jason) we are off to the E-Vet. She got x-rayed and the vet tried to convince Jason that Frags needed to be seen cause she had nibbled on a sandwich earlier that day. It was not until a real emergancy came in that they told us she had a broken capulary and we could leave. In other words she is fine and it was a nose bleed..... But my problem is what can I do to minimise these little injuries and prevent big injuries while still giving her the freedom to be a normal bunny. She loves to run and jump and play with toys. Her potty habits are getting better and I don't wanna lock her up. Any idea's?