Bunny plugged up I think.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2006
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Stafford, Virginia, USA
Skippy is shedding,and I read somewhere that rabbits can't vomit, and sometimes can get plugged up from their own fur. Well, Skippy has been acting like he is a smidgen consipated, and I am feeding him plenty of Timothy hay. Is there anything else I can give him? I've been keeping an eye on his droppings, seeing if all is alright. For the most part, everything is alright. but, I have noticed a couple of unusual droppings, not small and ball like usual, a couple of them I noticed are longer and I'm wondering if I should worry? I just want to be sure Skippy will be alright.
Make sure he's getting lots of exercise and drinking lots of water. You could try feeding him a small amount of canned pumpkin daily- it helps get more water in them and adds a little fiber. That's really all you need to do for now. You're already doing the most important thing, which is keeping a close eye on him. :thumbup

For more info (and in case things get worse), check out these articles:
I just lost a 5 yr old Netherland Dwarf October 05 and it was devistating to say the least. I never measured their pellets (mistake) so didn't notice until too late that she wasn't eating as much. I took her to the vet as soon as i did notice it. He x-rayed her and she did indeed have a hairball. He had her on 2 cc of fresh organic pineapple juice (from health food store or Meijers) twice a day. You also have to monitor dropping so you are aware of intake and outtake. My Sweeties droppings ended up very tiny, some tinier than mouse droppings.

Vet had her on benebac, nutracal and reglan, plus the pineapple juice. She eventually died, but I would take her to the vet asap, before it is too late. Also like your doing; unlimited grass hay and whatever she will eat. Her sister is now going through the same thing, took her in yesterday as I read a post on one of my forums about malclussion of the teeth. She did have sharp edges on one side. Due to mislignment of her teeth which is common in the dwarf rabbits. She has an apt tomorrow morning to get them filed. But vet said that he could feel a hairball too.

Could the longer dropping be the night fecal, which is longer and softer and pretty smelly. That is normal for rabbits and usually they eat these, but not always.

I am also giving and gave both rabbits lots of different greens, as much as they will eat andhave had no loose stool or any negative results. Also feed them some dry oatmeal, even a organicdog bisquit, give her preety much whatever she will eat, an please deep us posted for all to learn from.

I discovered this because she wasn't eating her pellets at all, but when I soaked them and let them get soft, she ate them all and her fecal has looked good the couple of days i did that. Good luck!

actually that article that Naturestee put up a link for is the one I got so much good info on. Thank you so much for this, hopefully it willsave my Garlic bunnys life!!!!!!!
"Also feed them some dry oatmeal, even a organicdog bisquit, give her preety much whatever she will eat, an please deep us posted for all to learn from."

You should never feed rabbits dog biscuits. If you feed oatmeal, make sure it's the old fashioned rolled kind, the instant kind can give them blockage. Naturestee gave you some great links, I would take him to a rabbit savvy vet.. offer lots and lots of wet, wet greens.. put them in a bowl of cold water and let them soak, the water will help move things through. Canned pumpkin and pineapple juice are good things to get them through stasis.. make sure the pineapple juice isn't concentrate, it has to be fresh because the enzymes are what helps stasis.

Some days he seems affected by it..others..he's just fine..like today...bouncing around like normal. But, I will keep a close eye on him..I appreciate the information! ^_^
Rabbits mask when they're sick, so you can't necessarily go by how they're acting. When my buns had stasis, they acted completely normal, running around and binkying. But they weren't eating or pooping.

If Skippy is eating and pooping normally, then he's probably okay. You mentioned that some of his poops are irregularly shaped, and that can be a beginning sign. So keeping a close eye on him is a good idea. And it wouldn't hurt to give him some preventative treatment -- not meds, but lots of wet leafy greens and canned pumpkin wouldn't hurt. And like you said, lots of hay.

Hope he's just fine. :)

Just the regular canned pumpkin you can find in grocery stores?...just take it out of the can and feed it to him? If so..I'm making a trip this week, I can probably get him some then.
Yes, just plain pumpkin in the can (not pumpkin pie mix). Just spoon it into a dish and see if he will eat. Some rabbits will eat it on their own, some won't.
