Bunny needs to be entertained...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
, California, USA
Hi everybody,

I just moved out of my mom's house where Bunny had run of the wholeentire place, except for a few bedrooms. But we just recentlymoved into a house with my boyfriend and his family, so bunny isconfined to just my bedroom, which isn't that big and kinda clutteredwith furniture. There is no other place for him to play, andalthough he's out in my room all day, i feel that he isnt gettingenough exercise and might be gettin bored. I've tried toys,but he only plays for a bit. Any suggestions to help my boredbaby? Thanks :p!
can you get him a play penand take him out side fora little while , Imsure he would loveto get out in the wilds fora little bit . I know my crew is antzyto get back outside but it hasrained for 5 straight days andis way to wet out.

Try the outdoor thing and seeif he and You feelbetter .
Yeah! Make him a little backyardrun. Those NIC cages are great! Cheap and you cancustom make yours!
Hi Kfonz,

I think the move has Eric-Bunny a little confused and a change in hisroutine. I'm sure he will adapt to the new situation and willdo fine.

I like the idea of taking him outside. Maybe lateryour b/f's family might allow you to set up the play pen in the house.

Rainbows! :angel:
Hi everybody!

Thanks for your replies and wonderful advice. Yeah I like theidea of him going outside for a bit. He might enjoy the sunnyweather here! Thanks a lot again, youre help is alwaysappreciated by me and Eric bunny!!


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