Bunny Language?

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Jun 8, 2013
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA, USA
I know a few bunny behaviors and what they mean. For example, I know when she binkies or flops, she's happy. I now know that her lunging at me and circling my hands and feet are related to mating. Sometimes she does other things. I am trying to learn more so I communicate with my bunny (6mo mini lop) better.

She has entered her "teenage" phase, and I panicked because her behavior changed. So, I went to the vet, and read a few old books they had lying around.

Is there a comprehensive resource dedicated to just this? I am having trouble pouring through hundreds of threads to find bits of info - most of which I knew.

I also recently learned that it's normal for an intact pubescent female to become more than a little friendly with a towel. Or maybe it wasn't so friendly - I was glad it wasn't my arm! At first, I thought the guy at the store told us the wrong gender for her!

Thanks in advance for the tips!
I don't know of a comprehensive resource on rabbit behavior, maybe I will consider that as an upcoming article on my website. :) I do think you may want to have the vet double check your rabbit's gender though. Some males will mount inanimate objects (or your arm) when they reach maturity, but I have never had a doe do that.

Sometimes does will mount other rabbits as a dominance behavior, but I haven't seen them do it otherwise.
There's a site about rabbit communication, but I don't know of anything that just goes over teenage behavior. If you have specifics, you could just post your questions here, and I'm sure you'll get an answer. With lunging, that is mostly to do with aggression and being territorial, or sometimes if they are nervous about something. It's just basically a warning to back off. Anyhow, here's the the one site.

I spoke with the vet about the mounting. She said it was normal. Especially since the towel is the one we use to wrap her up for giving her meds - which she hates. I think she may have been trying to dominate it.

Wow, thanks for the website! I will be pouring through it over the next few days! I actually didn't realize the lunging was a warning. She must have been agitated. I was lucky that I didn't get bitten. So far, she is a nipper, but not a biter.
So far, she is a nipper, but not a biter.

Many, if not most, rabbits will nip as a form of communication. It's not aggressive, just a way of getting your attention. They don't want to hurt, it's just their way of saying "hey, you!" A rabbit doesn't realize we're not protected by fur like they are.

Both Scone MacBunny and Natasha Rabbitova did it at some point or other. I found that if I gave a short, sharp, high pitched squeal when they nipped ("eeeek!"), they'd jump back, then come forward and nip less hard. Eeeek again. Lather, rinse and repeat, and after a few tries the bunny would lick my arm instead. I'd offer lavish praise, and Scone or Natasha got the message. After only a few times they'd give me a kiss to get my attention rather than nipping.

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