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New Member
Mar 12, 2005
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DeKalb, Illinois, USA
My baby bunny, well, he was 1 year in October 04,but he is not eating and not running around like usual. He isjust sitting in his nest. Any advice, I changed his foodrecently, but he ate it for the first 2 weeks fine. Anysuggestions would be great, Thanks- RoLo's Mommy

possibly fur block. give him pineappleimmediately as a preventive. you may have to give him juicefrom a syringe.

i am not saying that it definitely is fur block, just recently it seemslike a lot of people have been losing their rabbits to that lately andi don't want you to be too late!
Welcome aboard RoloRabbit,

Check out the link GI Stasis in the Cheat Sheet for Rabbits postedabove. If it is GI Stasis, every minute counts in getting the littleone's system moving again.

Pineapple juice has to be fresh - from the actual pineapple and notfrom a can. Canned pumpkin - not fresh pumpkin - can be used to helpclean the system as well. I'd strongly suggest you pick up someNutri-Cal and start pushing that as well. Be sure Rolo continues todrink. Even if you have to syringe feed him water. Dehydration canquickly take the life of a rabbit, as can GI Stasis if it's not takencare of.

Read the thread and see if sounds familiar to what your little one isgoing through. Changing their feed can sometimes stress them out. Keepan eye on how Rolo's poops. If they've gotten smaller or decreased insize, that's a warning.

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