Bunny Help Needed!

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Private, California, USA
I own a one month old female dutch bunny namedTrixie. She is VERY sweet and cute. She's also my first non fish pet.She is very sweet but keeps biting me. How do I stop her from doingthis?

The nipping is probably not out of anger. She might think she'sgrooming you--as bunnies do to eachother--or she's trying to tell youthat you're messing with her stuff, like her toys or her cage. It couldbe a lot of things. Sometimes my bunny will nudge me with his nose& give a little nip if I'm in his way. Rude, but not meant tohurt. If you make a little scream noise when she does it she'llprobably get the message that it hurts andit's not cool.
Megan bites me all the time, I think she's just cranky from time to time from not being spayed....
I had a biter once. I loved her, but she was ahandful. She used to flip out when picked up, and she'd bite anythingshe could get her teeth in. She was a big one--9 lbs. How big is yoursand does she bite when you're holding her or just all the time?

Also she had a sick game--used to chase me at top speed and chomp myankles. She thought it was the funniest thing. I got bruised ribs oncewhen I leaped over the fence to get away and tripped.

Some are just biters. If she lays her ears back and strikes out fastwith both legs and teeth, she's mad and defensive. If she just chompsat random, it's affection/curiousity. Annoying but not mean.

Does she bite bare skin? If not, try picking her up in short sleeves.It's weird--most won't bite skin but will bite cloth. No guarantees,though. Some have no qualms about sinking teeth into skin.

haha yea, when batman washumping before he got neutered, he would bite me sooo hard. i hadbruises all over my arm...i think he was trying to"dominate"it though-they definitely werent fun.:p
My bunnies do that too. One bites really hard butthe other one just nibbles. Usually it is after I have stopped pettingthem or when I stick my finger in the cage for a quick pet as I passby. I haven't figured out if it is their way of grooming me back or tolet me know that they weren't finished "letting" me pet them lol. Itnever seems to be out of anger though. My dog was the sameway when he was a puppy. He played so rough!
trixiesowner wrote:
I own a one month old female dutch bunny named Trixie. Sheis VERY sweet and cute. She's also my first non fish pet. She is verysweet but keeps biting me. How do I stop her from doingthis?
one month is 4 weeks old, you have a 4week old bunny?
trixiesowner wrote:
I own a one month old female dutch bunny named Trixie. Sheis VERY sweet and cute. She's also my first non fish pet. She is verysweet but keeps biting me. How do I stop her from doing this?

Ohhhh, I missed that part about the age. They're all biters at 4-8weeks. Especially 4-6 weeks, they get better after. Probably nothing toworry about, she'll grow out of it. All my babies bit me at that age.

She's awfully young to be weaned, though.....

Most places I've found say to wean between 5 and 6weeks...They can survive before that away from mom but it is best tolet them stay with mom for at least the 5 weeks. We once tookin a kitten that was taken away from mom at 4 weeks and he sucked oneverything!!! He also stunck because he didnt' learn how togroom himself, thankfully my other kitty would let him pretend to nurseon her and taught him how to groom himself.
mom2many wrote:
Most places I've found say to wean between 5 and 6weeks...They can survive before that away from mom but it is best tolet them stay with mom for at least the 5 weeks. We once tookin a kitten that was taken away from mom at 4 weeks and he sucked oneverything!!! He also stunck because he didnt' learn how togroom himself, thankfully my other kitty would let him pretend to nurseon her and taught him how to groom himself.
It should be between6-8 weeks of age. In cases where there is no choice thenthere is nothing you can do, but the time really does help.
I know.... it was the only age option the breederhad.. we had to go into another city and it took an hour and I've beenwaiting my whole live for a pet. When we got there she was away withher mom: But was with three other bunny families. She's grooming justfine. She also hasn't bitten me yesterday or today! I started givingher hay yeseterday: Her breeder gave her none. We didn't know she wassupposed to have any until dejeti2 told us: Thanks btw dejeti :).

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