Bunny has eating issues!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
My bunny has stopped eating her food. I'm notsure if she's eating her hay, but she's almost definitely not eatingher grain. However, she IS eating her litter. I'm using Yesterday'sNews, which sort of looks like a grain mix. I thought at first she wasjust eating some poop, but when I tested my theory by offering her botha piece of grain and a piece of litter, she took the litter!! She'sstill drinking, and obviously she has an appetite, but how do I get herto eat the right thing? I tried covering the bottom of her cage withnewspaper instead, but she started to eat that too! I haven't littertrained her yet since I just got her a couple of days ago, and I'm notsure how well it would work if she would consider her litter food andher food litter!! Any suggestions?? I'm not sure what to do!

Hi Beth,

Any chance you have a Tractor Supply Company store aroundyou? You could pick up some Woody Pet litter which is made ofwood and use that instead of the Yesterday's News. It doesn'tlook like pellets and is $4.99 for a 30 lb. bag as opposed to the pricefor Yesterday's News. I loved Yesterday's News, but when Ifound Woody Pet, I switched over and it's been great. (Just athought)

You mightconsider removing the litter for now and go with thenewspaper and get her used to the pellets fora day or two andsee how it goes.

You could also add some old fashioned Quaker Oats to the pellets to entice the little one over to the pellets.

Hi NightPoet,

The website for Woody Pet is:http://woodypet.com/ Youshould be able to find a dealer near you if you log into theirsite. It usually targets horse people as it's well known as ahorse bedding, but it has really branched out.

Thought you might like to see what it looks like.

Let us know how it works out.

Nightpoet, it is manufactured as a Horse beddingbut many of us now use it for litter for our animals. It issafe, you just use it dry instead of wetting down as you would for ahorse.

Being in Massachusetts you should be able to find an Agway near youthat sells it. The Distribution center for Agway is in Massso there should be Agways that sell it all through Mass. Itis more expensive at Agway then at a Tractor Farm Store, I think I paid$6 and change for a 30 pound bag, but that sure beats the 12.99 for a10lb bag of Yesterday's News!

If you have to make a drive, just stock up. I found one 30min from me so I drove up there, bought 4 bags and a Big ole outsidetupperware and loaded it up.

Buck has made a believer out of me. When Gir isn't sprayingeverything that moves and is stationary, you dont smell urine atall.

You get cheap prices for a superior product :D

And yes, that picture in the link is what you want =)


Dearest Beth,

Oh My God! I Am So Sorry. Oh, Beth.

My whole heart goes out to you. *tears*

You poor thing. I'm so so sorry.

Oh I am so sorry for your loss, at least Figgs had a loving home to pass on in.

My deepest condolences to you ::hugs::

I get all teary eyed when I hear about pets passing.

Take every day one moment at a time.

Sorry to hear that.

You did not say if she was still pooping before. One problemI had with one rabbit eating I took to the vet. The rabbitwas eating paper adn the vet said she was trying to get morefiber. She has had off and on problems with the runs and noteating. She has been good for a long while now.

Agway doesnt sellWoody pet persay they have an equivalentof it , I just cantthink of what its called at the moment

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