Today, I had to take Bugs to the vet. He wasn't eating, pooping, and was just acting off. He was laying in a pile of pee. He loves to be clean and freaks out when he gets his paw wet so it suprised me when he was laying in it. He was pressing his stomach to the ground very hard and would only move to go lay down somewhere else. My vet thinks it is a a bladder infection (she did an x ray and saw something that was unusual. I'm not sure what she said it was - maybe calcuim?)or a blockage. She gave me meds to treat both. She gave me Metoclopramide and Baytril along with some critical care. He has been laying in the same spot for 5 hours. I'm pretty worried as this is the first time I've had a bunny emergency. Should I bring him back in tomorrow if he still isn't eating or using the bathroom? I feel so bad because he looks like he's in pain and I can't help him