Bunny had an emergency!

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A & B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
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Today, I had to take Bugs to the vet. He wasn't eating, pooping, and was just acting off. He was laying in a pile of pee. He loves to be clean and freaks out when he gets his paw wet so it suprised me when he was laying in it. He was pressing his stomach to the ground very hard and would only move to go lay down somewhere else. My vet thinks it is a a bladder infection (she did an x ray and saw something that was unusual. I'm not sure what she said it was - maybe calcuim?)or a blockage. She gave me meds to treat both. She gave me Metoclopramide and Baytril along with some critical care. He has been laying in the same spot for 5 hours. I'm pretty worried as this is the first time I've had a bunny emergency. Should I bring him back in tomorrow if he still isn't eating or using the bathroom? I feel so bad because he looks like he's in pain and I can't help him :(
If he’s not eating at all, it could cause other complications, like intestinal blockage and/or tooth abscess. It would be a good idea to try to syringe feed him some Critical Care or Recovery food. If you don’t have either of those, then you can take some quality hay-based pellets and mush them a bit with some water, and then try to syringe feed him every few hours through the night.
If that is really all the vet gave you and did for your rabbit and, if you have the option I would suggest finding a different more experienced rabbit vet. In the very least you should have also gotten pain medication(usually meloxicam) and your bun should have also been given sub q fluids. Not only for possible dehydration, but also to help with flushing the bladder out if your bun does in fact have calcium build up in his bladder. Then there's the baytril. It may help with the bladder calcium buildup problem if there is also a urinary tract infection, but if your bun isn't feeling well because of bladder calcium buildup, baytril on it's own doesn't treat that. Baytril is an antibiotic for an infection. There are things that need to be done to try and flush that sediment out of the bladder like sub q fluids, expressing the bladder, flushing the bladder out under sedation. The calcium sediment isn't going to come out on it's own with just baytril if this is what your bun actually has going on. For now, your vet should have also advised you to be syringe feeding at least every 4-6 hours. And for the long run, the diet needs to be adjusted to lower calcium foods.

So to answer your question, yes, if your bun isn't feeling better tomorrow morning I would take him back to the vet, but to a different more experienced rabbit vet, for pain medication, sub q fluids, and any other interventions that might be needed to get the calcium out of the bladder and treat your rabbits pain(a rabbit in pain won't want to eat) But I would go to the previous vet first to get a copy of the xrays(which you do have every right to request and get) so you don't have to pay to have them redone.
He is eating now (and even was playing with his ball) but hasn't used the bathroom. Should I bring him back because of this? He ate some red leaf lettuce and a few pieces of hay along with some water I syringe fed him. The vet did give me critical care to feed.

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