Bunny had a rave...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Last night our new bunny seems to have completely rearranged his cage. It looks like he had a rave! It's a mess! I want him to feel comfortable though. Should I leave it the way he has made it or should I correct it? He tipped his bowl over and dragged it the other side! He dragged an hay arch into the middle of the cage so that he blocks the middle and there is no room to really stretch out...should I clean up :vacuum: ?
You should get a bowl he can't tip over, either a heavy one or one that can be attached to the cage.

You might want to compromise on the arrangement. You could put the new bowl where he wants it. I;m not sure what you mean by a hay arch, but I imagine he can stretch out where it used to be.
I agree to get a bowl that doesn't move. Was it his water bowl or food bowl?

I also agree to kind of leave things where he put them. You could spend all you time arranging his cage to the way you want it, but he'll just rearrange it to his liking. lol Thats how bunnies are. Some buns are worse than others with the rearranging.

Does he have toys in his cage? He may have just not like the set up OR he could have been bored. So give him some extra toys or a hay block at night and that could keep him occupied enough to not totally rearrange his cage.

Is his hay arch, like the hay half tunnel? Does he hay inside of it? Maybe he likes to lay in it and look out the front of his cage? My bun has a box in the middle of her cage and she adores, she loves to lay in it and look out the front or get on top and look our front/top. Maybe just leave that where it is.
We have a hay rack that attaches to the side of the hutch--it does help to contain the mess and open up floor space. Bunnies are great furniture movers. I always clean up and straighten up--if they don't like it, they can just re-arrange it when I'm done.
some bunnies actually find it an entertaining game to re-arrange everything, wait for you to put it back and then re-arrange again :p
My female always rearranges her cage and she loves to do it so I make it all nice and she goes to work undoing it. Gives her something to do. :)
I'm laying out here being an insomniac, and I witnessed Charlie throw everything in his cage off the ledge on one end into his litterbox way on the other end. This is includes a fleece blankie/bed and a grass hut which he sits under and eats...I think he's kind of mad about the neuter still :| ....
Haha, he has to express his displeasure before he forgets all about it in a couple weeks :)
I feel better knowing he feels that he has the gusto and strength to angrily remodel!
Yeah, boys have it easy. They just spring right back. I had two of my girls spayed and it took a few days, especially for my older one, to start feeling less ouchy.

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