Bunny goo

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New Member
Mar 23, 2014
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Okay, so my bunny has a very good diet, i make sure she always has hay, veggies, pellets, water etc. But over the passed few days she's has sort of diahreeah. really runny and clumpy poop. Also, she has been leaving these yellowy orangey balls, that are like jello, not liquid or solid. I am really worried, she is acting normal and happy, but i do not know what the substance is.
The jelly like substance in the poop is mucous. Your rabbit may have bacterial or mucoid enteritis, possibly due to pathogenic bacteria. Or it could possibly be due to coccidiosis, a disease from a protozoal parasite. Both illnesses are extremely serious and can be life threatening. Your bun may be doing ok at this point but with symptoms of diarrhea and mucous, and the possibility of it being one of these illnesses, conditions can change very quickly. I would suggest getting your bun to a vet immediately. The vet will need to do a fecal test to identify the parasite/bacteria so that you can get the proper medication. Hopefully you can get into an experienced rabbit vet. Cat and dog vets don't really have the proper knowledge on how to correctly treat rabbits.

You will also want to pull pellets and any sugary starchy foods, and feed only hay and water. You will need to ensure she is eating the hay well, as if she looses appetite you will need to syringe feed a food mix you can get from the vet.
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This may be some kind of condition and should be checked at the vet...but less seriously it could be from overfeeding. It's easy for rabbits to get diarrhea and it's messy. That other answer is probably better though lol. Hope your bunny gets better :)

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