Bunny goes crazy around food?!?

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Apr 23, 2013
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Vancouver Island, BC
My bunny that is 3 months old goes crazy around food. She is free run in my bedroom. Anytime I try to eat or have food sitting around she tries to eat it. She will keep trying to climb up on me to get it. The first time I noticed I had a box of hot chicken wings out and she actually grabbed one and tried to run with it lol. If you leave anything out she will eat it. The other day she knocked over my coffee when I left for 2 seconds and she proceeded. To lap it up. I have since hid everything edible from her and have to put her in a cage if I decide to eat in my room. Is this normal or is my bunny just nuts?
Haha, I can't believe she tried to steal your chicken wing! I used to have a rabbit that I would feed these fruit bits to, and they came in a crinkly wrapper. So it got to anytime she heard a wrapper rustling, she would launch herself onto my bed and procede to climb all over me trying to see what I was eating, even if it wasn't something she was allowed to have.

If you feed your bunny treats, that might be how she's come to associate you with yummy food, no matter what it is :)

So are you still having to cut fresh grass for her, or has she started eating hay and pellets yet?
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I have one that's a nutter too! Usually when my cat is begging for something I know she doesn't want I'll say, for example, "Kasha, this is apple. You don't eat apple. See?" and then I hold it out for her to sniff. Once she realizes what it is she walks away as if thinking "Oh yeah, I don't want that garbage."

One morning I was eating and one of my bunnies was begging. I decided to do the same thing and held out my bacon for him to sniff. Right as I said "you don't like i-" he snatched it and bolted under the table to inhale it. I was too stunned to do anything. :D

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