Yes, babies open their eyes at 10 days or aroundthat. You can start separating them at 6 weeks. Youneed to check with your state laws to see how old a rabbit has to bebefore it can be sold. It ranges from 6-8 weeks. Ifyou wait till 8 weeks, you should have no problem.
Dont be surprisedif they dont open up until they are 14 days old, my babies took thatlong, and trust me it was the longest 4 days of my life! I keptchecking on them every hour to see if they opened, then finally I washolding on of them and pop there were eyes! It was so amazing
Good to know!! I won't be here for a weeksoI am having a friend come over to check them everyday. Itold her they shoudl open on the 27th but I will make sure she knowsnot to be upset if they don't open intill the 31st. That way she willnot have to worry. (she is a worry wort just like me)
Make she she alsoknows that they should have their eyes open by atleast the 14th or 15thday. If they dont by then you have to open them yourself, because theremay be an infection. But there really shouldnt be a problem