Bunny Claws

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Apr 23, 2005
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Help! My bunny's claws are falling out!! Is this normal?! Is there any way I can stop this?! :shock:

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Is it just randomly falling out? Did hehit it on something? I have never heard of a rabbit's claw just fallingout. Hmmmm maybe he got it cought on something :( Keep an eye on it, ifyou have any cornstarch or Quikstop use that to stop any bleeding. Letus know if there is any other questions you have. :D Hope all goes well!

They fall out when I'm not looking, and I'mpretty sure they got snagged on something. It has happened quite a fewtimes.... after a while i get worried.
She's not bleeding right now; she oly bleeds after she loses a claw. Shes missing about 5 claws right now...
:shock: Thats a lot of missing claws! Doyou trim her nails? If you trim her nails it will help her not to getthem cought on things, then she wouldnt be losing them that often :D

It is not normal for a rabbit to lose claws, makesure that you are trimming them, and if you already are, that you aretrimming them often enough. If you need help learning how to trimnails, I know I saw some instructions somewhere on the forum and I'msure that someone would be more than happy to help explain how thatworks.

You may want to take her to the vet, if she has open wounds on her feetwhere the claws are falling out. I imagine they might get infected ifnot kept a close eye on and maybe cleaned.
I don't trim her nails too often... this could be the case. How often should i trim them?
I trim the tips off once a week. If yourrabbit has very long nails then I would suggest trimming the just thetip off, because there is a vain in their nail that when broken bleedsA LOT! If you just trim the tip off the quick (the vain) will recedeback and then you just keep trimming the tips off, and you will get anice short and trimmed nail :D
